Kevin Smith is still crying about how Bruce Willis was mean to him



Chasing Amy was surprisingly good. Not sure how well it holds up.
It doesn't. It's a fat guy who's laid 3 women's idea of a rom-com. Ben Affleck Turns A Lesbian could've been a funny and edgy movie and, to be fair, it was when I watched it in my teens. Older and (a bit) wiser, it doesn't work.

The scene where Affleck is whining to win her over in the rain is embarrassing. Again, when you're 14 (or a fat dude with no game) you think "Hey, that long speech would definitely work!" When you're a bit older and have actually fucked, you realise a wordy, beta speech like that would dry up any pussy faster than a pants-shitting incident. And Jason Lee's character is gay suddenly because he's an asshole? And don't get me started on the militant gay black dude. It's the kind of movie Fat would think is a realistic representation of sexual politics.


How does that feel?!
I've never seen a single Kevin Smith movie. Are any of them any good? I know Clerks is supposed to be but he's so embarrassing these days I don't even want to give it a chance.
I considered them funny when I was ~16 and smoking pot was a new experience. For me nowadays they are cringe to the factor of 5. He sucks and I don't like him


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
It doesn't. It's a fat guy who's laid 3 women's idea of a rom-com. Ben Affleck Turns A Lesbian could've been a funny and edgy movie and, to be fair, it was when I watched it in my teens. Older and (a bit) wiser, it doesn't work.

The scene where Affleck is whining to win her over in the rain is embarrassing. Again, when you're 14 (or a fat dude with no game) you think "Hey, that long speech would definitely work!" When you're a bit older and have actually fucked, you realise a wordy, beta speech like that would dry up any pussy faster than a pants-shitting incident. And Jason Lee's character is gay suddenly because he's an asshole? And don't get me started on the militant gay black dude. It's the kind of movie Fat would think is a realistic representation of sexual politics.
Damn, you brought back a lot of memories of that movie. Yep, some things just need to stay buried in the 90s.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
It doesn't. It's a fat guy who's laid 3 women's idea of a rom-com. Ben Affleck Turns A Lesbian could've been a funny and edgy movie and, to be fair, it was when I watched it in my teens. Older and (a bit) wiser, it doesn't work.

The scene where Affleck is whining to win her over in the rain is embarrassing. Again, when you're 14 (or a fat dude with no game) you think "Hey, that long speech would definitely work!" When you're a bit older and have actually fucked, you realise a wordy, beta speech like that would dry up any pussy faster than a pants-shitting incident. And Jason Lee's character is gay suddenly because he's an asshole? And don't get me started on the militant gay black dude. It's the kind of movie Fat would think is a realistic representation of sexual politics.
You really nailed it. Even back when I liked Smith's movies, I never liked Chasing Amy. At the time it might've been just because it wasn't that funny and boring compared to the rest of his movies, but looking back it's just a dumb premise that doesn't make a lot of sense.


its his daughter not the weed







And Jason Lee's character is gay suddenly because he's an asshole? And don't get me started on the militant gay black dude.
Jason Lee's gay because he's trapped in adolescence.

The gay militant black dude is actually sort of edgy. You think Jezebel or whoever would've let a strong *BIPOC* character turn out to be effeminate in private?

But you're right on with the beta rant working on her. I'd always assumed they just hit it off in earlier scenes and she had suppressed feelings for him in spite of that pussy shit.
Given how his last "movie" was a remorselessly terrible piece of stoned-out lazy shit, perhaps ol' Kev could try to focus on his "work" instead of repeating that tired old Bruce Willis story over and over and over again. Everything...and I mean literally everything...about "Reboot" was just horrendous. God-awful acting, unbelievably shitty dialog and it looked like he filmed the fucking thing with his phone. As bad as some of his other movies are, at least they resembled actual movies. Even "Mallrats" looked like it was at least filmed with a proper camera. Maybe it all seemed real cute when he was zooted off his gourd on Girl Scout Cookies weed but here in reality it was just totally embarrassing.