Kevin Smith is still crying about how Bruce Willis was mean to him

He was never that good to begin with. I can see why Clerks was a hit at the time, but it along with most of his other movies have not aged well and everything after Dogma has been dogshit. He was a dude who got lucky and surronded himself with yesman so he doesn't have to accept he ever fucks up.

When Zack and Miri bombed, he blamed it on the studio for not marketing right.

When Cop Out bombed, he blamed Bruce WIllis for sabotaging the project.

When Tusk bombed, he tried to spin that because the movie bombed he got financing for Clerks 3.

When he got slammed for lying about the new He-Man show, he blamed the fans for being toxic and told them to "grow the fuck up"/

He's a shitty filmmaker that refuses to take responsibility for any of his own failures. Cop Out was the only movie he's ever done that wasn't his own script and it's clear that he wasn't able to handle a project without his buddies there to ballwash him. His own ego and addiction to weed only made him worse. Yoga Hosers is easily one of the top 10 worst movies I've ever seen.
Red State was almost his last good movie until the ending.

Also Bruce Willis blows, but I respect him for bullying Kevin Smith

Next time I watch one of his movies I'll keep that in mind
You can probably also blame Smith for Willis becoming a lazy actor who doesn't do anything worthwhile anymore. It was after Cop Out he started doing all those shitty straight-to-dvd action movies.

I agree that Willis seems like a dick, but the dude can be a good actor when he feels like it. I think he just got tired of all the Hollywood bullshit and kikery.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Asked about their relationship, Willis told Time Out in 2013: "Poor Kevin. He's just a whiner, you know? We had some personal issues about how we approached work.

"I don't have an answer for him. I'm never going to call him out and lay him out in public. Sometimes you just don't get along."


"He smokes way too much pot," a talent rep with a connection to the film said of Smith. "He sat behind his monitor. He didn't interact with the actors. The actors felt they were on their own."

Smith fired back at the time, saying, "I dealt with every actor who wanted to be dealt with on that set."


Sounds like Kevin's just a whiny, fat, estrogenic bitch.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
If anything the complaints about Willis just make me like him more. He shows up and films, you get Bruce Willis playing Bruce Willis. For one day of filming you pay him one million. For the next day, you pay him one million. He shows up, does his job, doesn’t pull diva shit and wants to be paid.
Imagine working for a guy who is unprepared, uneasy and stoned. At least he has the balls to not care about looking like a prick.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I've never seen a single Kevin Smith movie. Are any of them any good? I know Clerks is supposed to be but he's so embarrassing these days I don't even want to give it a chance.