Joseph gives Gay Faggot a run for his money with a classic BroJoe Mooooo about cruising, snoring, and other horse shit


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer

is a known chronic snorer.
Known to who? Who is this legend?

Spent hours and hours there as a guest.
Like he was invited to hang out and bother the sales team. As if he's a 3D advert and hiked up guitar sales by playing Led Zep all fucking day.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
His little brother was recently hospitalised. Joe's talking about working 35 hours a week.

I feel like this was done with malice

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He’s on track to do something insanely stupid / belligerent in the next few days.
Im going to need robot ribs installed if he cant tough out the last 6 days and quits. Willing to spend a bunch of money on a last minute international flight and a weeks pay. I love that he thinks its personal and they are secretly griefing him. There must be some more back story of him arguing with his supervisors. It also sounds like he has called/gone to HR a few times.