Jim Norton Married a Tranny!

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.


The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
It's not transgender until you cut the cock off.

Probably the funniest possible thing that could happen in this whole scenario would be Thor suddenly deciding that "she" wants to cut her cock off. Jimmy would lose all interest immediately but he'd still be forced to carry on the relationship because he's made it so public. God I hope that happens.


The gunslinger.



He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Probably the funniest possible thing that could happen in this whole scenario would be Thor suddenly deciding that "she" wants to cut her cock off. Jimmy would lose all interest immediately but he'd still be forced to carry on the relationship because he's made it so public. God I hope that happens.
It's probably in the prenup that whatsisface has to keep the cock or jim can have a full clean severence (teehee). Then again jim was probably so desperate to not die alone that he just had a normal person marriage contract with the 10 inch dicked tranny camwhore.
My stomach turned
The giant Aryan faggot is in very good shape objectively, but his massively wide shoulders/back and immensely chiseled, rock-like facial structure would kill the erection of even a tranny connoisseur the caliber of degenerate Vaush.

I have stupidly watched several podcasts with this thing and here are my thoughts:

I never thought I would see a tranny so airheaded and vacuous that it would make Blaire White look like a fucking neuroscientist.

This thing should just die by fire like a nigger. She/He/it/xer is just an obnoxious, nasal, wailing gold digger. Its only personality traits include talking about its giant dick (real ladylike) and how amazing its inbred, rural farm life back in Norge was (then why couldn’t you get a date w a man who would be seen with you in public, fag?)

“Omigod u guiyz, my saggy, plump, geriatric little faggot coward husband who threw his friends like Louis CK under the bus to elevate his own joke of a career and I have so much in common!” - Giant, Mentally Ill, Boring, Veeking Fag God.
I never thought I would see a tranny so airheaded and vacuous that it would make Blaire White look like a fucking neuroscientist.
Jimmy's ropey-muscled he-bride is doing his best impression of a vapid, vacuous, air headed, bimbo whore, which makes it even worse. If that was an actual woman, she'd be a despicable, vile twat of the highest magnitude, but the fact that it's all a contrived act just sets my teeth completely on edge. I can almost understand why a man might be willing to put up with an actual woman that annoying, but how can anyone bear being with someone who's acting 24/7? It's completely insane.