Jeffrey Daher was kidnapping niggers and telling the feds, "Hello, we are gay," and they were like, "OK, goodnight, kind sir."



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I just really don't like black people.
A cheap date at least
I keep hearing about how distraught the nigger neighbors were living next to someone like that. His whole deal was situational from just living in a nigger area. Like he targeted niggers, when his first murder was a White guy.

Try being White in nigger America. We go into the deepest recesses of untouched rural America, and niggers will follow to get gibs and muhdikin.

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I watched that series because I’m interested in Dahmer. Total dogshit. Everything was some CRT/intersectionality. The cops / judges just gave home breaks because he was white, apparently.
What I know about the show I've heard from other people and when they kept harping on the racial angle I knew it was typical Hollywood schlock revisionism.

Somehow this crazy cannibal is scarier than nightly shootings in the hood, and the next morning mothers of recently dead niglets throw up gang signs for the reporters.


What is the angle, just terrifying the population? I've heard the Dave McGowan perspective, which is interesting, but not that one.
Serial killers were make-work schemes to keep Law Enforcement relevant.

Some of these you really need to step out of the era to see how "inside the box" scripted shit it all was:

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how can you not see that Ted Bundy (especially) and Jeffrey Dahmer were actors?