Jackie Singh is only closely tied to 4 "journalists" on Twitter, only the 4, whom all of which she regularly podcasts with and RTs daily.
A) Rebekah Jones -- Hoaxer of false 'whistleblower' claims, Pedophile, assaulted a cop on the *Louisiana State University campus while being arrested for sleeping with her students, nutjob, serial liar, most recently in the news for saying Ron DeSantis "kidnapped" her son for political reasons (in reality he was arrested after threatening to shoot up his highschool). She is Jackie's "best friend."
DailyMail.com can reveal that Rebekah Jones was fired in 2017 from Florida State University when she was a PhD student and instructor for having an affair with her student.
The son of a former Florida employee who claimed she was asked to alter COVID data was arrested for threatening to shoot up his former school.
B) The three 'RadicalizedPodcast'/'MindWar' hosts, predominately their leader
Jim Stewartson, extremely close friends with Jackie with her constantly RTing and repeating Stewartson's main claim-to-fame; that Gen. Michael Flynn is an FSB agent, 'Qanon' himself, was behind Jan. 6, and is creating the 4th Reich (not joking here). One glance at
his twitter will show you that's what he does for 20+ hrs every day, and has for years. Here's Jackie repeating them a month ago on their pod:
These baseless claims have gotten the Radicalized/MW Podcast & Jim Stewartson added to the
ADL's Online Disinformation Sources list and had themselves cited as a distributor of intentionally false claims and deliberate misinformation by VICE news and numerous other fact-checking organizations.
On Apr 27 Jim Stewartson was served with a legal notice of intent to sue by Gen. Michael Flynn's lawyers for defamation. He responded by burning the letter; Jackie both RTed his video of this and praised him for it.
Original legal letter (and yes, he's now actually being sued now):
JOURNOS - Complain about this forum's "harassment" all you want, but Jackie is blackballed for a reason, and it has nothing to do with the weev/GNAA stuff. She has Alex Jones-tier reputability and I would personally be very hesitant before going to bat for her. She is an open and recognized spreader of online disinformation and misinformation.