Ive never understood fighting or had the urge to fight



That was no sucker punch. The guy said something smart and when Joe got in his face the guy started to square up/flinch, and Joe fed his ass a 3 piece before the idiot could finish pulling his punch back.
Nah, that was nigger behavior. Twice the guy's size, a trained fighter and you hit him when he's "starting" to square up? How about hitting him once he has squared up? How about a hip-toss? A good bitch-slap?

Instead he acted like a pavement ape. Many such cases.


how much of a sheltered life do you have to lead to have never had a fight 🤔 probably the same fellas who larp as nazis online smh
Ive never had a fight?



Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Obviously Ive wanted to physically hurt people while listening to my get angry stay angry playlist, but never got into fighting.

But I really want to fight lex friedman. Look at this little bitch. I guarantee I could beat him despite him being a black belt. Thatd make it so much sweeter.

Then offer the little kike some shekels for a match?