Ive never understood fighting or had the urge to fight



Obviously Ive wanted to physically hurt people while listening to my get angry stay angry playlist, but never got into fighting.

But I really want to fight lex friedman. Look at this little bitch. I guarantee I could beat him despite him being a black belt. Thatd make it so much sweeter.



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I'm a lover not a fighter.

Stil waiting for @Ricci Ryda to kick Dan's ass, of course Mullenstein pussied out.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I'm a lover not a fighter.

Stil waiting for @Ricci Ryda to kick Dan's ass, of course Mullenstein pussied out.

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I miss his constant challenging people to fight. Honestly miss the nigga. His drunk 16 year old girl posting was hilarious. He posted a Joe Cumia tier rant about how I’m a pussy because I pointed out the same thing I just did. Really hope he got his life together, but part of me wishes he doesn’t so I can read him post shit like this again.


I miss his constant challenging people to fight. Honestly miss the nigga. His drunk 16 year old girl posting was hilarious. He posted a Joe Cumia tier rant about how I’m a pussy because I pointed out the same thing I just did. Really hope he got his life together, but part of me wishes he doesn’t so I can read him post shit like this again.

WormKiller, love ya, miss ya!




Still spreading the O&A virus
I could kill him with my bare hands.
Keep in mind that most MMA fighters who are pros still LOSE in street fights. Guys like Rogan or Fridman would be unconscious or begging for mercy in about two seconds with literally any college athlete in any sport or against any high school wrestlers. Literally world champion UFC fighters have gotten their asses kicked in fights with random bums in the streets. These YouTube/Spotify (((dweebs))) have never thrown a punch at anyone in their entire lives. They talk big to promote this image of them being the new type of masculinity. But they give off such pathetic feminine energy to anyone who is even the least bit masculine.

Guys like Rogan and Fridman are the dorks that never played sports in college or high school. And they want to be friends with pro athletes who played sports all their lives. Because nearly all pro athletes played sports in high school and college. So now Rogan and Fridman have to overcompensate and act tough to make up for the fact that their lives from age 12 to 25 were spent not playing sports or being in the military or firefighting or whatever they think society sees as being masculine. These idiots are obsessed with their image. For them it is not about being tough because closet fags and midget kikes will never be strong or powerful. It is just about convincing their dumb followers that they are on the same level as like Tyson Fury or Stipe Miocic or some random Marine or SEAL.


Keep in mind that most MMA fighters who are pros still LOSE in street fights. Guys like Rogan or Fridman would be unconscious or begging for mercy in about two seconds with literally any college athlete in any sport or against any high school wrestlers. Literally world champion UFC fighters have gotten their asses kicked in fights with random bums in the streets. These YouTube/Spotify (((dweebs))) have never thrown a punch at anyone in their entire lives. They talk big to promote this image of them being the new type of masculinity. But they give off such pathetic feminine energy to anyone who is even the least bit masculine.

Guys like Rogan and Fridman are the dorks that never played sports in college or high school. And they want to be friends with pro athletes who played sports all their lives. Because nearly all pro athletes played sports in high school and college. So now Rogan and Fridman have to overcompensate and act tough to make up for the fact that their lives from age 12 to 25 were spent not playing sports or being in the military or firefighting or whatever they think society sees as being masculine. These idiots are obsessed with their image. For them it is not about being tough because closet fags and midget kikes will never be strong or powerful. It is just about convincing their dumb followers that they are on the same level as like Tyson Fury or Stipe Miocic or some random Marine or SEAL.