Is Rick possessed by demons?


The gunslinger.
Thank you for sharing, I find stuff like this fascinating. I asked my friend recently who was raised Catholic and later turned into an atheist how he feels about all the attacks on the Bible and Jesus Christ over the last few years and how if whoever is in charge didn't care or think such held power they wouldn't spend the time or resources trying to tear it down. Who knows maybe im bonkers.

Here is the video and the specific exchange that started this whole thought process.

Watch Nefarious, it’s pretty much a documentary.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
So this is fact, not lore?

Who would of thought a lanky brown man obsessed with genies wouldn't know dick about rolling a magic carpet.
Prepare yourself



The gunslinger.
Devil dogs

You don’t believe in this stuff, right?

Why is it you still wouldn’t go and pledge your soul to Satan in a ritual, why do you think something about that makes you feel uneasy and scared?

Why do our rulers all do it anyway if it’s all nonsense? Even though you don’t believe in anything, why are you okay with your leaders wearing sinister red robes and burning children effigies to Moloch?

You should really pwn me and prove how much you don’t believe in fairy tales and invite Satan in to your heart and pledge your soul to him in front of a fire with an effigy (please don’t)


You don’t believe in this stuff, right?

Why is it you still wouldn’t go and pledge your soul to Satan in a ritual, why do you think something about that makes you feel uneasy and scared?

Why do our rulers all do it anyway if it’s all nonsense? Even though you don’t believe in anything, why are you okay with your leaders wearing sinister red robes and burning children effigies to Moloch?

You should really pwn me and prove how much you don’t believe in fairy tales and invite Satan in to your heart and pledge your soul to him in front of a fire with an effigy (please don’t)
Look up devil dogs on the hostess website. Because I was a big fan.


The gunslinger.
Look up devil dogs on the hostess website. Because I was a big fan.

Answer the question, I’d love to hear you reply.

If you don’t believe in anything, why wouldn’t you ritualistically pledge your soul to Satan? It would do no harm right?

You absolutely should not, of course.

I’ve asked my atheist friends this question and they never give a straight answer.