Is it, you fat tub of lard?



I mean, teacher’s are absolutely not supposed to take things upon themselves and operate outside the lines when it comes to children. If a teacher started guiding my kids towards books about any kind of sexuality outside of the curriculum, I would legitimately go full Karen and try to have them fired. It’s not your fucking job.

Even when I was a kid, teacher’s were very sensitive about the kinds of media they exposed to the kids, and my friends and ai nicknamed a brown kid “Paki” and teacher’s didn’t bat an eye then. Nowadays with all this “progress”, you can’t say anything remotely racist but I guess it’s totally cool for teacher’s to influence a child’s sexual proclivities.
More like create their sexual proclivities. That’s the ultimate goal. They know exactly what they are doing. If I want my kids to believe that men can turn into women or whatever such bullshit, that’s my job. I don’t even want them teaching my kids that only traditional marriage is normal, which is true, but that’s MY JOB. Thank God my kids aren’t in public school.


More like create their sexual proclivities. That’s the ultimate goal. They know exactly what they are doing. If I want my kids to believe that men can turn into women or whatever such bullshit, that’s my job. I don’t even want them teaching my kids that only traditional marriage is normal, which is true, but that’s MY JOB. Thank God my kids aren’t in public school.
The sad part is that it's never up to you. Not by any means saying you're doing the wrong thing, but I was friends with a lot of home schooled kids despite being public schooled and a lot of them wind up as fucked up if not worse in some ways. Granted the ones that didn't wind up whores, drug addicts, sheltered pussies, or just plain boring were really nice people with full lives but I'm just saying it's no guarantee and I can't say their school was the deciding factor. Heads on a swivel, boys.
Putin is on Pig's mind so much that it caused him to invent a new piggyism.
