Is it deranged to visit Milwaukee just to see Pat landmarks?



Ive never liked traditional tourist spots. Eiffel tower, Sistine chapel, leaning tower of Pisa... All boring.

I liked the Seinfeld diner in new york, that was cool as fuck. I'd get the same surreal feeling from seeing Hooligans. Am I crazy? Is that a waste of a vacation?

Cuntfucker, don't respond.
In a way it validates SirFatsALot’s existence, I guess but also shows what an impotent faggot he is. It’s a tough one, man…


In a way it validates SirFatsALot’s existence, I guess but also shows what an impotent faggot he is. It’s a tough one, man…
He's already validated:



Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
If we knew the day the sheriffs were coming to seize his property I’d go there for that. Maybe tailgate across the street or something.
Now that US vaccine bullshit has finished, I'd fly over to watch that if it was a certainty.

Would it be funnier if they turned up just before he left for Gencon?
Or while he was away at Gencon?

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Now that US vaccine bullshit has finished, I'd fly over to watch that if it was a certainty.

Would it be funnier if they turned up just before he left for Gencon?
Or while he was away at Gencon?
No it’s way funnier if he’s there and has to be restrained or tazered.

“No child, you will not be taking my Star Wars action fig… BZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzT”

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
Ive never liked traditional tourist spots. Eiffel tower, Sistine chapel, leaning tower of Pisa... All boring.

I liked the Seinfeld diner in new york, that was cool as fuck. I'd get the same surreal feeling from seeing Hooligans. Am I crazy? Is that a waste of a vacation?

Cuntfucker, don't respond.
Hoo Hoo they're ripping me off, funster.