In all seriousness, do you think Paul Weimer is a pedophile?

Is Paul Weimer a pedophile?

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Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
The moment we discover a livable planet...we should revoke every sex offender's citizenship and force them to colonize it like how our convicts did Australia.
Tell them you found one, then blow up the fake rocket you put them in. Put it on TV, like Challenger. Children who are in the classes of these paedophile teachers who want to cut their penises off, they will get a new confidence in science.


Wait seriously? Holy fuck. Well then that settles it then. Fucking hell.
I remember that photo of our uncle Paul in a wheelchair while wearing one of those castes you can walk on. He looked all whimsically queer.

I just wanted to throw his weird ass down a flight of steps because you know he’d yell out something gay like,’ Uh oh, looks like old Paul is in for a tumblely tumble!’

This was the guy incidentally who started Pat on the whole DMCA bullshit on the old subs from what I remember. For that he should receive the most brutal punishment for a gentleman of this caliber. That’s right. Sex with a full grown woman. HOLEE SHIT.
My opinion is he pedo or something similar. Whether he has physically acted upon these urges is up for debate but he definitely has a shady search history and/or hard drives/photo albums in his possession.

To play devils advocate, he has been on the OnA radar for quite a while and if he was guilty of these sins why has he risked significant jail time and charges to help Patrick defeat the trolls?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
This is like asking if Anthony Cumia fucks trafficked Albanian children. Of course.
Would you like a Martina? It's like a Martini, but 11 years old.



How does that feel?!
View attachment 54194

Can't even remember photoshopping this lol how high was I.
The evil villain hand gestures aren't really helping his image.


What I wouldn't give to have a chance at bashing his fucking skull in with a bat. Fucking insufferable cunt. There is no justice in the world when complete and utter creeps like Uncle Paul are allowed to walk this earth freely. His secret flickr account, being the one that took those photos, the fucking erotic "fiction", and his actions when confronted with the accusations. Fuck you Uncle Paul, Paul Weimer, @PrinceJvstin

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Im 99% sure hes a MAP. Its 100% inappropriate to have those bathtub/upskirt shots on a secret flikr account. No excuse. I have kids, i have friends with kids. I wouldnt dare post any pics of them online, let alone naked upskirt shots. I dont even post my own kids online. I think thats their choice if they want to be posted. And until theyre mature enough to make that choice their pics arent online under any social media accounts. Paul decided at age 8 that little girl wanted her private areas plastered all over every SFWA members computer screens for hours at a time. Fucking sicko. Period.
No such thing as a MAP. Future child rapist is more like it


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
There's too many red flags to think he isn't one. He's SFWA adjacent, the pictures, the way he looks, he just ticks way too many boxes for me to believe otherwise. There was also the conversation between Paul's brother and SpaceEdge. The cryptic "My entire family hates me but I'm not gonna get into why despite oversharing every other detail of my pathetic life" shit. If he wasn't one I'd be genuinely shocked. Genuinely.