In all seriousness, do you think Paul Weimer is a pedophile?

Is Paul Weimer a pedophile?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

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12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
The bathtub pictures are the first part, the way he defends the bathtub pictures is the second part. It's literally the Michael Jackson playbook: play the victim, claim the red flags are just your "enemies" trying to "get" you, and get really creepy about how much you love innocent children and would never "harm" them.

Tug on the emotional heartstrings, and sure enough people who have no idea what happened will rush in to coddle the victim and push his narrative. Oh Paul, your tears say more than naked photos of someone else's kid ever could!


in his blogs he mentioned he left the basement and had to move out of his friends house when they were adopting a baby (later the bath tub girl) and the child services people had to do a background check of everyone at the address. He also has a teaching degree but has never worked as a teacher.
The moment we discover a livable planet...we should revoke every sex offender's citizenship and force them to colonize it like how our convicts did Australia.


Going to keep this post neutral to not sway poll voters.
Will do a case for, and then a rebuttal.

For: Is single/has only had one girlfriend that we know of and he spent a lot of time with her kid.
Against: Is an ugly, creepy loser, so no wonder he's only had one girlfriend who was a single mother.

For: Took photos of that little girl in the bath, and a panty shot (showing her "underclothes")
Against: POSSIBLY innocent, like when parents take photos of their kids in the bath etc.
For: That wasn't his kid though. It's very different.
Against: Maybe he saw it as his kid due to the bond he had with the girlfriend.

For: When his brother was told that he had KP on his computer, his brother believed the troll.
Against: Anyone would believe that, because Paul Weimer is a pedophile.
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Seemingly everyone has forgotten the “erotic” fiction he wrote, and admitted he was into. He is 100% a pedophile, regardless if he acted. We don’t even know if AntH has actually molested a young girl, but he’s 100% a pedophile. You don’t have that many things all correlating to it and it not be true. For literally no reason. Those girls were a “family friends” children. When confronted by us, he should have said, “Yeah, now that you say it, it does seem weird to have these online still. I’m going to delete them. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.”. Not run and hide and cry. His best defense is he’s a weirdo. That’s it. His own fucking mother disowned him.


Seemingly everyone has forgotten the “erotic” fiction he wrote, and admitted he was into. He is 100% a pedophile, regardless if he acted. We don’t even know if AntH has actually molested a young girl, but he’s 100% a pedophile. You don’t have that many things all correlating to it and it not be true. For literally no reason. Those girls were a “family friends” children. When confronted by us, he should have said, “Yeah, now that you say it, it does seem weird to have these online still. I’m going to delete them. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.”. Not run and hide and cry. His best defense is he’s a weirdo. That’s it. His own fucking mother disowned him.
I never read the erotic fiction, but it was posted on a site that hosts pedo stories right? But were there pedo shit in his stories?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I never read the erotic fiction, but it was posted on a site that hosts pedo stories right? But were there pedo shit in his stories?
Yeah, there were pedo stories that he “liked” if I’m not mistaken. I never made it past a single paragraph, but if I remember right, his shit was about a 16 year old falling in love with an 11 year old or some shit. Completely inappropriate.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Im 99% sure hes a MAP. Its 100% inappropriate to have those bathtub/upskirt shots on a secret flikr account. No excuse. I have kids, i have friends with kids. I wouldnt dare post any pics of them online, let alone naked upskirt shots. I dont even post my own kids online. I think thats their choice if they want to be posted. And until theyre mature enough to make that choice their pics arent online under any social media accounts. Paul decided at age 8 that little girl wanted her private areas plastered all over every SFWA members computer screens for hours at a time. Fucking sicko. Period.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Im 99% sure hes a MAP. Its 100% inappropriate to have those bathtub/upskirt shots on a secret flikr account. No excuse. I have kids, i have friends with kids. I wouldnt dare post any pics of them online, let alone naked upskirt shots. I dont even post my own kids online. I think thats their choice if they want to be posted. And until theyre mature enough to make that choice their pics arent online under any social media accounts. Paul decided at age 8 that little girl wanted her private areas plastered all over every SFWA members computer screens for hours at a time. Fucking sicko. Period.
A single man wanting to be around anyone else’s kids is weird, full stop. Even Nieces and nephews at that age..weird.

Taking pictures of them and putting them on the internet? That’s testing. He was testing what would happen if he pushed the boundaries. He was trying to see what level of trust the parents had in him.