Imagine joining the military and seeing this in the mess hall


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Every culture is a warrior culture until they aren't. Look around; I couldn't even tell you who the warrior culture includes. China has a strong economy, but their men like being furries and hiding from women even more than American. Russia brags about what tough guys they are and look at them now. The fucking Philippines is a warrior culture and can't stop getting run over by every ascendant power in Asia.

If you're a country in 2022, you're the result of the toughest guys in that area of the world, which means absolutely nothing. Your leaders still wear suits, drink cognac, and have their maids kill spiders.
All to true. For my part I would list the warrior cultures by time as:
The Hittites
The Spartans and some other Greeks
The Romans
The Norsemen
The Mongols
The Japanese
The Prussians
It was in these places that the soldier and general were above the priest and merchant. Of course that is all gone. Ghengis Khan himself observed, "My descendants will not praise their fathers and older brothers who won them the land, but think it all came to be theirs by some right."

And Steinbeck some 700 years later observed:
ONCE CALIFORNIA BELONGED to Mexico and its land to Mexicans; and a horde of tattered feverish Americans poured in. And such was their hunger for land that they took the land—stole Sutter's land, Guerrero's land, took the grants and broke them up and growled and quarreled over them, those frantic hungry men; and they guarded with guns the land they had stolen. They put up houses and barns, they turned the earth and planted crops. And these things were possession, and possession was ownership. The Mexicans were weak and fled. They could not resist, because they wanted nothing in the world as frantically as the Americans wanted land. Then, with time, the squatters were no longer squatters, but owners; and their children grew up and had children on the land. And the hunger was gone from them, the feral hunger, the gnawing, tearing hunger for land, for water and earth and the good sky over it, for the green thrusting grass, for the swelling roots. They had these things so completely that they did not know about them any more....
They were hungry, and they were fierce. And they had hoped to find a home, and they found only hatred. Okies—the owners hated them because the owners knew they were soft and the Okies strong, that they were fed and the Okies hungry; and perhaps the owners had heard from their grandfathers how easy it is to steal land from a soft man if you are fierce and hungry and armed.
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