Imagine joining the military and seeing this in the mess hall


America is not a warrior culture and has confused its natural advantages as making them good at war.
We only had to take the land from stone-age tribes and Mexicans. We sit between the two major world oceans, keeping us at a safe distance. We had the largest industrial population. We have every resource. We've floated to victory on a sea of oil. It's running out now and the world is growing smaller. Against the Soviet Union and Red China we had one draw and one loss. We're fucked.

Britain basically conquered the world and they've been fags for centuries

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I got in 2018 because of this shit. no "joke". breaks my heart seeing this gay queer shit.

things got "done" when drunks ran the show. 2010 was the start of it all, getting rid of don't ask don't tell.

Every time my troops got into trouble... like breaking the law, common sense shit, it was always my fault. No longer allowed to yell at the troops.


I got in 2018 because of this shit. no "joke". breaks my heart seeing this gay queer shit.

things got "done" when drunks ran the show. 2010 was the start of it all, getting rid of don't ask don't tell.

Every time my troops got into trouble... like breaking the law, common sense shit, it was always my fault. No longer allowed to yell at the troops.

Without knowing the specifics, I've never really seen what you're describing. What I have seen are people who think yelling at people is a sustainable situation. It's a solution for on the spot corrections, but has impractical application when it comes to long-term discipline.

There are a lot of shitbags out these who get to skate by because frontline supervision never bothered to put pen to paper, then decided one day that the shitbag crossed the line and we need to bring the hammer down. Well if the cause for the hammer is the sum of 10 smaller incidents of which zero were documented, then you've only brought me 1 incident. Then when the guy doesn't get booted for the 1 small offense, people say, "That's it, the military went soft."

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Without knowing the specifics, I've never really seen what you're describing. What I have seen are people who think yelling at people is a sustainable situation. It's a solution for on the spot corrections, but has impractical application when it comes to long-term discipline.

There are a lot of shitbags out these who get to skate by because frontline supervision never bothered to put pen to paper, then decided one day that the shitbag crossed the line and we need to bring the hammer down. Well if the cause for the hammer is the sum of 10 smaller incidents of which zero were documented, then you've only brought me 1 incident. Then when the guy doesn't get booted for the 1 small offense, people say, "That's it, the military went soft."

Thats fair, I don't know what you did in the military, i was a AF mp.

I know the last 2 years I was in, there were 4 kids I was trying my hardest to get kicked out because they openly admitted to malingering. I took this shit up the chain of command, and they always said "too hard to prove" blah blah blah. I spent HOURS documenting and getting witnesses. nothing ever came of it. they were all minorities, could of been the underlining issue?

after 2010, It went from yelling, to people always preaching about doing school and volunteer shit. so fucking gay. when I got out in 2018, people were making senior NCO with out ever deploying. A lot of the people that got extra help promoting were always blacks, women, browns. Black dykes are like the number one pick to get advancement. They are always fucking mean, dumb as shit, and chimp out over dumb shit.

Dykes were always the fucking worst. I never many so many people that think they are the smartest people on earth just because they have a "daddy" to baby them.

the people that had to depoly in the '00 got shit on IMO. I deployed 5 times and got treated like shit by this faggot generation.


Thats fair, I don't know what you did in the military, i was a AF mp.

I know the last 2 years I was in, there were 4 kids I was trying my hardest to get kicked out because they openly admitted to malingering. I took this shit up the chain of command, and they always said "too hard to prove" blah blah blah. I spent HOURS documenting and getting witnesses. nothing ever came of it. they were all minorities, could of been the underlining issue?

after 2010, It went from yelling, to people always preaching about doing school and volunteer shit. so fucking gay. when I got out in 2018, people were making senior NCO with out ever deploying. A lot of the people that got extra help promoting were always blacks, women, browns. Black dykes are like the number one pick to get advancement. They are always fucking mean, dumb as shit, and chimp out over dumb shit.

Dykes were always the fucking worst. I never many so many people that think they are the smartest people on earth just because they have a "daddy" to baby them.

the people that had to depoly in the '00 got shit on IMO. I deployed 5 times and got treated like shit by this faggot generation.

It's not minorities; malingering IS fucking hard to prove. I managed to give an LOR for malingering *only* after a string of incidents in which this person would get drunk, not show up to work, then show a doctor's note to the people who came to her door.

And who babied this girl and tolerated it? The "old school" SNCOs.

My experiences with lesbians, white and black, fem and butch, was always pretty positive. The ones I've worked with always tried pretty hard to fit in and be one of the guys. Just my experience. The biggest female problem was middling attractive women who hypnotized a bunch of 19 year old simps who suddenly forgot other women exist. They got away with murder by and large.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
It's not minorities; malingering IS fucking hard to prove. I managed to give an LOR for malingering *only* after a string of incidents in which this person would get drunk, not show up to work, then show a doctor's note to the people who came to her door.

And who babied this girl and tolerated it? The "old school" SNCOs.

My experiences with lesbians, white and black, fem and butch, was always pretty positive. The ones I've worked with always tried pretty hard to fit in and be one of the guys. Just my experience. The biggest female problem was middling attractive women who hypnotized a bunch of 19 year old simps who suddenly forgot other women exist. They got away with murder by and large.
what did you do?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Yea , I don't know what your work cycle was like, but when I was stationed in Tampa, I was working like 75 to 80 hour weeks. It was always the dykes that got office jobs and better career advancements . My 1st CC I had when I got there was a fucking drunk. THe other CC I had when I left was a dumb fucking dyke. like retarded!

the military was really odd, so glad I'm out of that bullshit.


Why did the people on top accept this unless they have ulterior motives? This is literally disarming a military without technically disarming.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
America is not a warrior culture and has confused its natural advantages as making them good at war.
We only had to take the land from stone-age tribes and Mexicans. We sit between the two major world oceans, keeping us at a safe distance. We had the largest industrial population. We have every resource. We've floated to victory on a sea of oil. It's running out now and the world is growing smaller. Against the Soviet Union and Red China we had one draw and one loss. We're fucked.
We also have not won a war since we integrated the armies


Yea , I don't know what your work cycle was like, but when I was stationed in Tampa, I was working like 75 to 80 hour weeks. It was always the dykes that got office jobs and better career advancements . My 1st CC I had when I got there was a fucking drunk. THe other CC I had when I left was a dumb fucking dyke. like retarded!

the military was really odd, so glad I'm out of that bullshit.
Security Forces is a weird beast. You get some high speed guys (maybe 20%) who think they're gonna be kicking in doors and instead they're walking the fenceline and writing tickets to pilots' wives. The other 80% either had terrible ASVAB scores or went in that general applicant pool and wound up there.


America is not a warrior culture and has confused its natural advantages as making them good at war.

Every culture is a warrior culture until they aren't. Look around; I couldn't even tell you who the warrior culture includes. China has a strong economy, but their men like being furries and hiding from women even more than American. Russia brags about what tough guys they are and look at them now. The fucking Philippines is a warrior culture and can't stop getting run over by every ascendant power in Asia.

If you're a country in 2022, you're the result of the toughest guys in that area of the world, which means absolutely nothing. Your leaders still wear suits, drink cognac, and have their maids kill spiders.


Did anyone here actually serve? until you come on my podcast and join my patreon, i'm going to assume stolen valor

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