I'm never gonna have a child.

If my wife isn't hot and in her early to mid 20s, then we're not having kids.

But I can't find anyone like that. I can't be like dan mullen and settle for a Flavia, you know? I can't settle for Niki "Genital Herpes" Robinson.

I had a really hot girlfriend once... when I was fawkin' 18. But I fawked that up.

So the Torquie line ends with me. And it fucking depresses me.

I guess if I'm not procreating there's no point to living right? I should just relapse and get wasted every night again, like all the other childless, atheist losers in this generation.

The Torquester is gonna buy some booze and maybe quit his job when drunk enough and go on welfare.
I don’t have time to read the other pests’ comments but I don’t have kids I have step kids and they suck. I’m 40 years old with bum knees but fuck kids (not literally anth). You do you, very faggy but the only thing that will make you happy is yourself. Kids are you expensive faggots is what I am getting at.


Massachusetts State Senator
Never understood the urge to procreate. I don't hate kids but don't particularly like them either. My sister had a kid when I when I was 15 and I could not have been more disinterested. I have sexual urges of course (this is unrelated to my nephews lol) but I've never been able to wrap my mind around the idea that people have the urge to have kids as a biological imperative. When I was young I almost got married and just sort of assumed I'd have kids and then love them because she wanted them. When people say stuff like "well your genetic line dies with you" that doesn't resonate with me. I'll be dead, who cares?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Kids are the best thing that can happen to you as long as you can afford them, nigga. Work on that first then worry about it.