I'm never gonna have a child.



If my wife isn't hot and in her early to mid 20s, then we're not having kids.

But I can't find anyone like that. I can't be like dan mullen and settle for a Flavia, you know? I can't settle for Niki "Genital Herpes" Robinson.

I had a really hot girlfriend once... when I was fawkin' 18. But I fawked that up.

So the Torquie line ends with me. And it fucking depresses me.

I guess if I'm not procreating there's no point to living right? I should just relapse and get wasted every night again, like all the other childless, atheist losers in this generation.

The Torquester is gonna buy some booze and maybe quit his job when drunk enough and go on welfare.


Enough of this fucking talk! Oh! You forget where you're from, Torquie. The man is 45 in this rather unkind graphic:



too get the "hot" child bearer you're looking for, you'd have to settle with some vapid gym thot tiktoker that has the iq and attention span of a 12 year old, but everytime you see her ass in leggings you wanna go caveman and knock her up. will be a hard life as second fiddle to her ego and insecurities

otherwise your option is to go to south america/southeast asia for an impoverished jungle femme, or go to utah and knock up a cute religious 7.5 but you know she's gonna be a headcase too... have fun at sunday mass

basically you're fucked. i'm so sorry.


Not a day goes by where I don't think about going on welfare and give up on working. Inflation from lockdowns have completely wiped out the idea of getting a proper raise, especially this year. Technically you're making less than you did last year, unless you received a 10% raise.

Everyone was so excited to get stimulus checks not realizing they would eventually pay for those checks with the inflation they created from making them.

I've been working for more than half of my life at this point and I think I deserve to have a couple of years off and just collect a check. Especially seeing as abused the welfare system is, why should I continue to be the honest hard-working idiot when I can just do whatever I want and still collect a check?

It's a tough one man, genuinely.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
Don’t be a faggot Torquie. Do you want a kid or not? If you want a kid you’re going to have to settle or compromise in some way.

best thing I ever did was recklessly come in the stupid whore I was dating 11 years ago. Love my kid even though I probably would feel nothing if his mom drove off a bridge.

Focus on the goal. Get the kid. You can kill the mother later if she’s a problem.


If my wife isn't hot and in her early to mid 20s, then we're not having kids.

But I can't find anyone like that. I can't be like dan mullen and settle for a Flavia, you know? I can't settle for Niki "Genital Herpes" Robinson.

I had a really hot girlfriend once... when I was fawkin' 18. But I fawked that up.

So the Torquie line ends with me. And it fucking depresses me.

I guess if I'm not procreating there's no point to living right? I should just relapse and get wasted every night again, like all the other childless, atheist losers in this generation.

The Torquester is gonna buy some booze and maybe quit his job when drunk enough and go on welfare.
Brothaman, you are being gay and faggot with this post. Having a kid is a shitty idea. We have one more generation until complete annihilation.

Aliens will find this site floating about some intergalactic ether eventually and declare us universally hilarious vindicating my Off Topic posts once and for fawkin’ all.