I unironically don't hate Opie anymore, and not even in a contrarian way. I actually like him.




Anthony "Nigger" Cumia talks about white pride and family values, yet his lifestyle is that of a liberal nigger.

Meanwhile, Opie has the life he actually wants -- blonde, beautiful wife, lots of white kids, white picket fence.

Anthony is jealous of Opie, that's why he's obsessed with him.
I honestly don’t get why Opie does not do a podcast about fishing. It seems like that is one activity he really likes and is somewhat knowledgeable.
An American remake of Gone fishing where someone who was big in the 90s just hangs out with his funny friend talking about life as they get older. Unfortunately he's not funny or hasn't any friends but American remakes always are worse.


The gunslinger.
I listened to old shows again for the first time in years and opie isn’t the problem at all. He isn’t funny but he’s a capable host and I actually appreciate it when he tries to steer away ant from his entitled tirades or bragging about fucking kids.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
"Anthony is so manly! Guhh I wish I could get invited to the new mansion. Anyway I was just thinking about how my mother abused me and it reminded me of Opie! She's just like Opie!!! And my boss at work, he sucks, just like Opie sucks!!! Oh and sometimes my wife nags me and it reminds me of Opie!!!!"

I can't stand the YouTube or Reddit faggots who talk about how "funny" Anthony is when he hasn't been funny in a decade.

Not intentionally, anyway.


Some people may not be ready to hear this yet, but the truth is Opie Radio/O&J (with no thanks to Jim) were the best post O&A shows. The proof is in the pudding, folks. It wasn't GREAT radio, but the Opester at least wrangled a couple lolcows with the Stengel Bros (or whatever their name was), had the Zack Snyder hang up, milked drama from shit like Carl's chocolates being knocked to the floor, even spying on Roland taking a steamy shit was a bit.

Opie wasn't the fawkin' problem in the end.


Dusty Dan

Opie's biggest crime in my book is being thin skinned. The same could be said for 90% of their comedian guests.

Yeah he's not funny, but the other 2 guys were. He knew how to put a show together. Days where it's just him and Ant shooting the shit are decent radio and he's way more enjoyable when he's not trying to play it up out of insecurity. Better than Ant and Jim days in my opinion. He's a bit caustic for my tastes now, but as a teenager I'd have been all over that shit.