I hope this creepy old fuck gets nana'd


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
How is he right about this one? He's complaining about four black women who don't appear to be shouting or doing anything crazy eating lunch at a restaurant. They're not dressed well, but neither is anbody at that restaurant -- it's clearly a casual place.

His thesis in the post is that it's odd that four women of the same race are having lunch together "in a group."
"Women who lunch" is a common stereotype -- white women go out together in groups all the time, as well. I'm sure he worships the Sopranos -- would he take a picture of Carm, Rosalie, Angie Bonapensiero and Adriana having lunch together and be appalled that they are eating lunch together at Vesuvio's?

What he's complaining about just doesn't make any sense, so it goes back to my earlier post. He feels angry/hurt that blacks can afford the same vacation he has been saving up for and is making a nonsensical post about it. It's sad
I guarantee all of those women are dressed better than Fred is. He's probably wearing the same pair of gym shorts he's been wearing for days and one of those retard Facebook ad shirts with a picture of a wolf howling that say shit like "I'm a CHIMNEY SWEEP. I was born in FEBRUARY. I am not AFRAID to SPEAK my MIND and I will PROTECT my FAMILY against ANY threat NO MATTER WHAT. If you have a PROBLEM with that, KEEP WALKING."


2 point vig
All Black women fall into the category of; "extensions of different colors, hooting and cackling while interrupting polite white trash customers".

They both have watched too much Cops, Lockup Raw, 60 Days In, and Chuck E Cheese fights to form an overall picture of how normal citizens of all colors, nationalities get along and operate on a day to day basis