I hate this bitch so fucking much.

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
Dale is his half Black stepfather who got with his mother after his father killed himself after it was found out he was Homosexual. James is on social security disability.


Your existence is the only parody around here. It should be written into a sitcom how fucking pathetic one's existence can actually be.
You sucked a parody's cock and clapping those cheeks in Diane's bedroom would make for one hell of an awkward sitcom.

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
Remember when you said you had all my info and could dox me if you wanted to? And then I said you were a pussy if you didn't do it? Whatever happened 'dere?
...Oh, are you confusing me with P-Titty again?

You sucked a parody's cock and clapping those cheeks in Diane's bedroom would make for one hell of an awkward sitcom.
Okay, seriously: I want to know who all these people are, but all you and @Meagan Dixon are doing is providing names without content and context. Who is Dale? Who is Diane? Who is half a nigger? Who is CuntFucker?


well socrates was responsible for the shut down of the last OnA forums

the last OnA forums was shut down over CP

put 2+2 together
Dangernoodle ip banned me months before the shut down, I had nothing to do with it.

Danny's Mick Footster

Flavia doo doo
I was on niggermania before you started stalking Meagan in high school.

Every single one of you abandoned your accounts in shame. I am the sole surviving user with an organic ribs count and zero alts.

The community always has to step in and save the weak links from Dre's harsh flames. Sad but true.
Original organic rib count, zero alts, and user #49 reporting for duty.