I fucking hate norton



you can analyse his entire existence in this 2 minute clip.

notice how the weathergirl calls him "buddy" twice after he tried the hackey im just an ugly lowly comic, look at this hot weathergirl with me! schtick
he's so fucking zany and random!



you can analyse his entire existence in this 2 minute clip.

notice how the weathergirl calls him "buddy" twice after he tried the hackey im just an ugly lowly comic, look at this hot weathergirl with me! schtick
he's so fucking zany and random!



Holy shit did she set the friendzone tone fast with that know-your-fucking-boundaries hug 2 seconds into their interaction. Norton truly is fucking repulsive on a metaphysical level. Then the worm tries to play some kind of eccentric idiosyncratic character like he's some unattainable genius who's toiling away in brilliant obscurity and can't let anyone close to him.

Jim, you couldn't land a healthy relationship with a functional grown human being if your life depended on it, stop trying to preemtively head off any valid criticism of your miserable inadequacies at the pass. That homely 5 couldn't be more repelled by his very existence and proximity to her. There was no thought or analysis involved, it was just pure visceral disgust...And that's essentially a carbon copy of everyone of Jim Nortons interactions with the opposite sex for every one of his 55 miserable years of existence. How he still makes the conscious decision to continue living every time he wakes up is incomprehensible.
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