I can't do this.


I have a face like a shovel
I saw that Progressive is paying 52,000 a year (starting salary) for Claim adjuster

They'll train you

Then I realized- they're gonna pay me that much (which is a good amount if you're a single man) because they want to masquerade the fact that the job will literally kill yourself

I'm glad that I'm at least smart enough to have nope'd outta of that

your sanity is worth WAY more than 50K


50k? What do you guys live in the middle of Nebraska? Can't do shit with that.

I did a few months painting houses after HS, and it was enough to force me to go to community College. I have a good job in a great industry but the 9-5 part of things is fucking grueling. After another few months I'll ask for Mondays and Fridays from home.

Any job where I can put on head phones and listen to oNA clips all day will work for me.


You can become a fed.

If you’re not trying to make a lot of money they have lots of jobs where you’re outside dicking around not doing much like the Park Service, Forest Service, or Farm Service agency. Or you can be a Forest Service firefighter if you want to have short times of really hard work and then sit around for a while. And there’s a bunch of EMS type jobs that don’t pay much if you want to go to community college and become a paramedic.

Depends if you care about where you live.

Poke around on here. There’s tons of shitty IT jobs like you have but also lots of off the wall shit in weird places all over the country.



Or if you want to do a desk job remotely from anywhere in the US you want: [URL]https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?p=1&rmi=true[/URL]

Edit: use this to make sure you’re filtering for “open to the public”

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?hp=public&p=1&rmi=true#[/URL]


A good job is usually one where you have some finality. A carpenter, as was suggested, gets to finish the project and go home. If you're working low end helpdesk, tending bar, delivering mail or some shit it's never ending, it fucks your mental health if you do a job where you don't accomplish something on some level.
Damn good point.


I have a face like a shovel
to the OP
you can start a thread like this
you can (rightfully) bitch, and complain about how it is sucking your very soul from you

You can do all this, however the most important thing you can do (if your serious about changing) is plan your escape

Fact is it's not like this job is gonna get better....you know it's not

You don't have to answer on a anonymous forum
Also, I'm just a stranger. Who the fuck am i to tell you what to do with your life.

However in 1 year from now will you have made the change?


to the OP
you can start a thread like this
you can (rightfully) bitch, and complain about how it is sucking your very soul from you

You can do all this, however the most important thing you can do (if your serious about changing) is plan your escape

Fact is it's not like this job is gonna get better....you know it's not

You don't have to answer on a anonymous forum
Also, I'm just a stranger. Who the fuck am i to tell you what to do with your life.

However in 1 year from now will you have made the change?
Nice lots of words with no advice, stupid.


Where we at with the where we at?
I feel like I hate my job and then I come on here and I’m thankful.

I work from home and while the job is boring as shit putting like 30% effort makes you a star.

Plus I get to see/wake up my kids every day.