Hunter Biden's icloud hacked by 4chan


Fuck Sickos
My friend sent me this. He was sending Biden pics on Facebook Messenger and got this notification
Brendan has been doxxed and the FBI is on the way, sweet traitorous child.
Good he belongs there because this is exactly what Putin wants. Easier to steal Ukraine when everyone is focused on these clearly manipulated in imager photos of the most beloved president ever and his saintly son. Anyone stupid enough to fall for it probably thinks Trump wasn't Putin's dog and the 2016 election wasn't stolen. Leave the political talk to the pros, traitor child.
I'm not gonna judge a guy for smoking some crack & getting a bit sexually weird (we've all done it) - obviously not KP or fucking your niece, we're not cumias!

I think he's basically the 'bag man' for Joe Biden; getting put on internationally strategic company boards to receive a 'salary'(bribe) to pass-on to Joe for favours.

Also there's the art scam; paintings allegedly done by the likes of HB are in embassies worldwide, & they pay $millions for the shittest of art. Art is just one of the upper echelon's tax-avoidance scams.