Hunter Biden's icloud hacked by 4chan


Fuck Sickos



Nice sandwich, stupid


nice "3133 contacts". Its yet another fake n gay psyop...these are lifetime actors.

Just like Hilary's 33,000 emails that were leaked back in 2016...all just a big psyop and time waster.
What do you take that number to mean? The 33 being in every covid news story made me suspicious of it being a psyop from the beginning. Is it a code to tip off the others in the club that this is all part of the show? Can't help but think these stories are the conservative version of things to get people charged up and go nowhere. Benghazi, Clinton emails, Russia investigation, election fraud, etc. People get all invested in the reality TV show and nothing really ends up happening.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
What do you take that number to mean? The 33 being in every covid news story made me suspicious of it being a psyop from the beginning. Is it a code to tip off the others in the club that this is all part of the show? Can't help but think these stories are the conservative version of things to get people charged up and go nowhere. Benghazi, Clinton emails, Russia investigation, election fraud, etc. People get all invested in the reality TV show and nothing really ends up happening.

33 is the highest degree in freemasonry

Also are any of those contacts for a “Corn Pop”, I have a feeling this goes all the way to the top!