How often do you take a shit?

Droppin' loads...

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Get up here and shut up!
Fuck I need to shit more. Couldn’t shit for a week last month. If I described the size of the shit I took you guys wouldn’t believe me. There’s not a cock a live that was anywhere near as big as the shit I took. Circumference, lol maybe if you stuck two of the fattest dicks together.
Jesus. When I got off the junk and went into a Suboxone program, I ignored them when they told me to take a fiber supplement. I didn't shit for two weeks (no joke), and actually forced myself to when I figured that was a while. It was a very long and tedious process which included gloving up and going for a dig after a few hours later but by the end I'm pretty sure I experienced what prison rape was like, minus the smell and excessive cum.
Jesus. When I got off the junk and went into a Suboxone program, I ignored them when they told me to take a fiber supplement. I didn't shit for two weeks (no joke), and actually forced myself to when I figured that was a while. It was a very long and tedious process which included gloving up and going for a dig after a few hours later but by the end I'm pretty sure I experienced what prison rape was like, minus the smell and excessive cum.
Some years back I fell down some stairs in a parking garage, landed on the edge of the bottom step and my O-ring took the full brunt of the fall. "Minor" fractured tailbone, but "minor" is relative. They gave me ten days worth of oxycodone and told me to "stay off it" which is easier said than done. Anyhow, the combination of the injury and the opiates left me unable to take a shit for an excruciating nine days. I took everything you can take and seriously considered the enema route to get things moving.

Finally I sit down and get to work and I dropped one. It hurt like fucking hell, too. I'm sitting there, all wincing, covered in sweat and doubled over with my asshole on fire, dabbing at my shattered rectum with some TP, it was bloody but not too bad. So I get up and take a look at the finished product and the fucking thing was like a canoe, just enormous. At least a foot long and almost as big around as my wrist. So like a retard I figure it'll just break when I flush it, but it was rock solid and sure enough, it jammed up the toilet in a big way. Took almost two full days of plunging and snaking to clear the log jam. I'd have been better off just gloving up and using some plastic forks to fish the thing out and bury it in the backyard.


My alarm clock is my turd pressing up against my colon like the Hoover Dam filling up to full capacity. I give birth to a Detroit crack baby every morning and don't need to crap for the rest of the day. About 25% of the time I drop hammers twice a day.


Get up here and shut up!
Some years back I fell down some stairs in a parking garage, landed on the edge of the bottom step and my O-ring took the full brunt of the fall. "Minor" fractured tailbone, but "minor" is relative. They gave me ten days worth of oxycodone and told me to "stay off it" which is easier said than done. Anyhow, the combination of the injury and the opiates left me unable to take a shit for an excruciating nine days. I took everything you can take and seriously considered the enema route to get things moving.

Finally I sit down and get to work and I dropped one. It hurt like fucking hell, too. I'm sitting there, all wincing, covered in sweat and doubled over with my asshole on fire, dabbing at my shattered rectum with some TP, it was bloody but not too bad. So I get up and take a look at the finished product and the fucking thing was like a canoe, just enormous. At least a foot long and almost as big around as my wrist. So like a retard I figure it'll just break when I flush it, but it was rock solid and sure enough, it jammed up the toilet in a big way. Took almost two full days of plunging and snaking to clear the log jam. I'd have been better off just gloving up and using some plastic forks to fish the thing out and bury it in the backyard.
Fuckin' poo canoe gotta nigga's ribs good ova here.
The weird thing was, that in spite of the agonizing pain and all, I was slightly disappointed before I saw it, as it just didn't feel as massive as I was expecting it to be. But seriously, if that thing was made of wood or metal, I could have easily used it to club someone to death. It was really straight, too, like no curves or bends or anything. It was the shit that every subsequent shit I've taken is measured by, the benchmark, the standard.


Great food
Get your gut in order. I shit once in the morning every day either right after or during my coffee.

@DiarrheaDick I had a similar experience. Had surgery a few years ago (not on my asshole) and got percs to use after. I don't think I shit for two weeks. Nothing funny or anything, was just the experience I had being doped up on opiates for several days after the operation.

@satanssockpuppet Fucking ribs.


I take a psyllium supplement twice daily. I basically void everything I ate the previous day in one single plop first thing in the morning. My bowels are immaculate. You really don't even need to wipe much if you're taking some form of psyllium one way or another daily.
I had to start taking that because I would go 4 or 5 days with no shit and then have explosive painful diarrhea on the 5th or 6th day.


I take a psyllium supplement twice daily. I basically void everything I ate the previous day in one single plop first thing in the morning. My bowels are immaculate. You really don't even need to wipe much if you're taking some form of psyllium one way or another daily.
do you just take a capsule like this or do you have to use powder?



Runner, Unlike Fatrick
I take a psyllium supplement twice daily. I basically void everything I ate the previous day in one single plop first thing in the morning. My bowels are immaculate. You really don't even need to wipe much if you're taking some form of psyllium one way or another daily.
I came here to encourage all brothermen and brotherwomen to try whole psyillium husks, but the eloquent and handsome @DiarrheaDick beat me to the punch. I take it every day around 6pm, and around 4am I hit the terlet like Niki hits a bottle of rye whiskey at 7am…hard and complete.

Whole psyillium husks effectively “sweep” the colon, helping with regularity and making for a complete movement when you go. They’re also thought by some to help stave off polyps*

If you haven’t tried them before, I encourage you to do so. Any brand will do, and Amazon has them. I prefer whole husks to powder.

*I am not an ass doctor, although I’ve gone ass spelunking countless times