How many of you would give up your responsibilities in life to suck/fuck Patreeky?

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
In his defense he married her when she was 4 and waited to fuck her.

Yeah, suurreee. He was a proper gen'leman, that Mohamed guy!

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
This time last year...Patreeky had a pretty alpha looking PFP of Norm Macdonald...would just make witty retorts, and OnA + Ron Fez references.

Fast forward to 2023 and he is this performatively-positive upbeat faggot that everyone is treating like their favorite prison bitch, wtf is going on. Genuinely asking.
When someone comes out to their peer group and is accepted, they stop holding back so much. Friend of mine did same thing years back, and when he saw that it was nbd he turned up the dish'n'swish a couple notches. Not a feather-boa flambo, but definitely a bit more openly camp. He always was a bit, so the transition wasn't that jarring for the rest of us.
This being online, Treekers didn't need to hold back his natural personality in the same way one would IRL, he just didn't post elaborately or personally.
@Patreeky am I close?