How long until Susan kicks rocks?


Stand Alone Fruit
He only drives it from the Hovel to Hooligans, which is .6 miles. He'll have that pile-of-shit forever.
He rarely ever drives since he has nowhere to be, I bet he only fills up once ever 2-3 months. When the Covid lockdown started I had the same tank of gas for 3 months because there was nowhere to go and my grocery store is less than a mile. I imagine that is the same for Pat, it’s why he told America to “shut the fuck up” over rising gas prices because he rarely gets gas and doesn’t understand that most people have to drive everyday.


Shock Jock
A quick search says that 2008 Mustangs will make it to 200,000 with proper maintenance. I swear there was a picture Pat took of his interior that showed the mileage it had. I wonder what it is. I remember those Kempesh posts said he kept his Mustangs in storage for entire winters so there may not be many miles