How do you think you'll die?



It's a tough one man.

I hope to be a victim of a mass shooting just so I don't need to off myself. Since leaving Boston a few years ago, 2 of my friends have been shot in killed in separate incidents involving drugs and gang nonsense. Honestly part of me wishes I was with them as it happened so I can go out too, but unfortunately I moved away and missed it.

But knowing me and my insane immune system along with antisocial attributes I'll probably end up dying at 100 years old in my sleep.
the cities are soooo much better for loners like us, pal. Imagine being in the sticks alone in the country everyday. fucking hell
at least in the state of 4 pm melancholy you can wonder around the streets, get an espresso at sal's and see those friendly brown faces and shake it up a bit from the soulcrushing solitude of modern existence, am i right gang


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Cancer, living in bumblefuck area in a house that was passed down through family, if you are born and raised in this area you live forever but if not you get some form of cancer, no outsider has beaten the cancer or have it go into remission so I know the ending and find it oddly comforting


Calling all simps
something impulsive due to my mental illness. either i get ahold of a gun while suicidal or lay down on the train tracks which i've already done, by the way. i really don't want to do that to my kids but it's always on my mind.
if i somehow miraculously survive that, i will die from cancer i have smoked more than a pack a day for many years.


something impulsive due to my mental illness. either i get ahold of a gun while suicidal or lay down on the train tracks which i've already done, by the way. i really don't want to do that to my kids but it's always on my mind.
if i somehow miraculously survive that, i will die from cancer i have smoked more than a pack a day for many years.
I'm guessing the conductor notices your bellybutton from half a mile away and just blows the horn.

Kidding of course. Please don't do that to yourself.


Calling all simps
I'm guessing the conductor notices your bellybutton from half a mile away and just blows the horn.

Kidding of course. Please don't do that to yourself.
it was a whole big scene i got in a fight with my husband then jumped the fence and went over there. the damn mental health crisis team came and got me. they've since lost funding and been shut down so now i get the cops.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
i'm very slim and limber. when i was in the mental hospital one kid made it across the fence to walmart across the street before the sheriffs caught him. his punishment was he had to wear a hospital gown and have his lunch brought to him instead of going to the chow hall in normal clothes with the rest of us.

You should have gone at night, naked, with some cloths in a sack on your back

your black skin is perfect for a night escape

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
something impulsive due to my mental illness. either i get ahold of a gun while suicidal or lay down on the train tracks which i've already done, by the way. i really don't want to do that to my kids but it's always on my mind.
if i somehow miraculously survive that, i will die from cancer i have smoked more than a pack a day for many years.
You're too good looking to be suicidal, only uglies should perish 😭😭😭😭