It definitely ramped up after that, but the reality is people taught their own kids for most of history. Compulsory public education is relatively new in the grand scheme of things and it's been dogshit since its inception. Once the Rockefellers took control of it (and passed the torch to people like Bill Gates with that common core bullshit) it continued to get worse every year. It really just exists to create a dumbed down worker class that worships the state and the oligarchy. (MAAAN)I think home schooling really started when forced busing began during desegregation. It has persisted and even grown even as the country has become—by any standard, if one is being honest—much less racist for a lot of reasons, but the teacher’s unions and their ideological allies who don’t like the competition don’t want to talk about that. I went to Catholic school and would occasionally hear snide remarks about that—even religion isn’t a good enough reason for some people to choose not to send their kids to public.