Holy shit. Just go to fucking therapy



This is as ridiculous as his "no one will talk about it" point.

He doesn't want to fix/change anything, he just wants it to be socially acceptable to publicly rant about niggers.
I think he’d absolutely love to “fix things”. If he could snap his fingers and make an entire race of people disappear, he would. He just can’t. He’s impotent. He’s a nobody. He’s a racist nobody that destroyed his career because he can’t control himself, and behaves exactly the way he claims to hate.

Ha ha, Ant.
Because it's hard to get someone to rent to you when you're a convicted felon. I live in a shitty section 8 nigger neighborhood too because of my criminal background. At least I'm still allowed to live near schools though so it's not all bad.


Massachusetts State Senator
Maybe it's because my parents are dead but the idea of a 70 year old man with unresolved mommy and daddy issues is so funny to me. He still talks about his 100 year old parents every day.
Edit: his father just recently died but he was talking about how he fantasized about yelling at him and asking who is stupid now because he had dementia. We give Anthony shit for not seeing mommy but that's sick stuff.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Maybe it's because my parents are dead but the idea of a 70 year old man with unresolved mommy and daddy issues is so funny to me. He still talks about his 100 year old parents every day.
I didn’t even realize you already said him when I typed that haha. It’s just pathetic and I thought his dad recently died because Opie rightfully took the high road and said he was sorry to hear it.
The really gay aspect of it is how he's insisting that "no one is talking about" black crime, like it's some dark, untold, highly suppressed secret. Everyone is well aware of the dangers involved re: interacting with the blacks, and they have been since the day they unloaded the first batch of them from the first slave ship. What Nana is really upset about is the fact that his beloved Twitter (and all media in general) is not totally awash in tweets about how much niggers suck. He's totally immersed himself in this deeply faggotized online world, and he's angry that his retarded platform of choice refuses to bend its content and standards to better suit his needs.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Maybe it's because my parents are dead but the idea of a 70 year old man with unresolved mommy and daddy issues is so funny to me. He still talks about his 100 year old parents every day.
Edit: his father just recently died but he was talking about how he fantasized about yelling at him and asking who is stupid now because he had dementia. We give Anthony shit for not seeing mommy but that's sick stuff.
Nice dead dad, stupid. Bet my pops is up there patposting w yours.

Cartoon Redux

I'm still a child, child.
Maybe it's because my parents are dead but the idea of a 70 year old man with unresolved mommy and daddy issues is so funny to me. He still talks about his 100 year old parents every day.
Edit: his father just recently died but he was talking about how he fantasized about yelling at him and asking who is stupid now because he had dementia. We give Anthony shit for not seeing mommy but that's sick stuff.

Typical neurotic kike nonsense