Holy shit. Just go to fucking therapy


maybe kiss you
Nana had his chance. He could have taken out the Times Square negress and the "not your show" guys, just like he took out those cardboard niggers at the gun range. But, alas, he chose to scurry home and tweet instead. And he'll never be able to live it down. It clearly haunts him.
He's desperately trying to proof that he was indeed right in his tweets and his firing was unjustified.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Ant stinks but if that was my kid, I'd club that coon like a seal
Theres a YT channel called Lockup23&1 that i know a few brothamen follow here. Hes done years in prison and is now reformed and has a family and shit. His 12 yr old daughter (with one hand) had her nose broken by a 13 yr old boy for telling him to stop bullying a retarded girl and the school is trying to keep it hush hush. Josh (the host) didn’t say anything out of line but he said if this goes to court and gets dismissed or brushed off, the 13yr old boy could possibly be dealing with some of his old associates one day. Of course he said it in a way so he has no liability or it cant come back to him. He basically phrased it as “if this kid doesnt get in any legal trouble/expelled, maybe some of my old street buddies may bump into this kid and his dad one day and theyre not gonna take a punch to the face like a one handed 12yr old girl did”. Id Cain Valasquez someone if they beat my little girl into the hospital. And I know where Josh lives. It was a black kid that did it 100%. His area is like 97% black. (Idk why the fuck he even still lives in Norfolk).


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Theres a YT channel called Lockup23&1 that i know a few brothamen follow here. Hes done years in prison and is now reformed and has a family and shit. His 12 yr old daughter (with one hand) had her nose broken by a 13 yr old boy for telling him to stop bullying a retarded girl and the school is trying to keep it hush hush. Josh (the host) didn’t say anything out of line but he said if this goes to court and gets dismissed or brushed off, the 13yr old boy could possibly be dealing with some of his old associates one day. Of course he said it in a way so he has no liability or it cant come back to him. He basically phrased it as “if this kid doesnt get in any legal trouble/expelled, maybe some of my old street buddies may bump into this kid and his dad one day and theyre not gonna take a punch to the face like a one handed 12yr old girl did”. Id Cain Valasquez someone if they beat my little girl into the hospital. And I know where Josh lives. It was a black kid that did it 100%. His area is like 97% black. (Idk why the fuck he even still lives in Norfolk).


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Because it's hard to get someone to rent to you when you're a convicted felon. I live in a shitty section 8 nigger neighborhood too because of my criminal background. At least I'm still allowed to live near schools though so it's not all bad.
Ahhh you’re probably correct about this. They make decent money between him and his wife but when the landlord sees youre a 3x felon w violent crimes like robbery, i could see why hes stuck in shithole NoFo for the time being.


A bong hit?!
Nana can't afford therapy.

🧔‍♂️ "What would you like to discuss first, Mr Cumia? Your alcoholism, pedophilia, racism, incest, abandoning your mother, career which fell apart, abusive relationships, lack of friends, physical abnormality, onset dementia, inability to handle conflict, or the obvious repressed homosexuality?"

:image_9253:: "Ha ha ha! I'm such a zilch! Jimmy would love this!"


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer


If it was an older white girl choking a 12 year old black kid he wouldn't say fuck all. If it was a white guy choking a 12 year old black girl he wouldn't say shit. It's sad to see kids get bullied in general but that's not even what this is about for him it's team black vs team white.
Yeah, that’s absolutely true. But the media isn’t covering up for 12-year-old white girls. 12 year old white girls are committing 50% of violent crime. He’s a piece of racist shit but he’s not the only one that absolutely has fatigue with these people.

Speaking of 12-year-old white girls, Anthony now has an erection reading this.