Ho-lee shit! Jury verdict against Alex Jones in Sandy Hook trial just in: $1 Billion dollars!!



The main difference between Connecticut and most of the states that allow punitive damages is the amount of the award. By limiting punitive damages in most cases to litigation expenses, Connecticut's punitive damages tend to be lower than other states especially those that view punitive damages as a method of punishing the wrongdoer
From here
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.cga.ct.gov/PS97/rpt/olr/htm/97-R-1140.htm[/URL]

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I get why the people who hate him are so stoked about this but in reality it will be the lawyers on both sides who make out like bandits. The amount of billable hours needed to sort out this "emotional victory" judgment will be insane.

So ultimately the social media dorks high-fiving about this are really just celebrating more "financial elites" pocketing absurd sums off the back of a tragedy while also establishing legal precedent far more likely to be weaponized against independent outlets than the corporate monoliths they purport to hate.

But a billion is a pretty meme-able number, right?