Had any run ins with CPS?

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Yeah, I when I was younger a CPS agent came to the front door. I was nervous, I was still new at this at the time, and I invited her in to take a seat, even offered her a tea, I think. She could tell from my quick monosyllabic responses that I was anxious, so she places her hands on my shoulder and brushed her nose into my neck. "Is this your first time?" she whispered in my ear, letting her warm breath condense on me as her lip brushed up against it. It was not my first time, I knew exactly what she was there to do, and had concealed a penknife in my sleeve specifically for the occasion. I dug it into her side in between the ribs, a dozen times, then 2 dozen. I lost count. She collapsed on the floor, and her eyes showed genuine surprise, maybe it was her first time. That night I packed my bags quickly, and left to Mogadishu in a fishing vessel, I knew the CPS wouldn't stop sending their assassins until they got what they wanted, so I let them find me dead in the sea, or at least a fisherman who could pass as me after a tattoo job and some... improvised dental work. Things are different now, though, after Covid the CPS procedures and protocols have changed a lot.

God bless, no bs


Yeah, I when I was younger a CPS agent came to the front door. I was nervous, I was still new at this at the time, and I invited her in to take a seat, even offered her a tea, I think. She could tell from my quick monosyllabic responses that I was anxious, so she places her hands on my shoulder and brushed her nose into my neck. "Is this your first time?" she whispered in my ear, letting her warm breath condense on me as her lip brushed up against it. It was not my first time, I knew exactly what she was there to do, and had concealed a penknife in my sleeve specifically for the occasion. I dug it into her side in between the ribs, a dozen times, then 2 dozen. I lost count. She collapsed on the floor, and her eyes showed genuine surprise, maybe it was her first time. That night I packed my bags quickly, and left to Mogadishu in a fishing vessel, I knew the CPS wouldn't stop sending their assassins until they got what they wanted, so I let them find me dead in the sea, or at least a fisherman who could pass as me after a tattoo job and some... improvised dental work. Things are different now, though, after Covid the CPS procedures and protocols have changed a lot.
I take from this you are a Somali aswell...


I was questioned by CPS when I was little because I was a latchkey kid and likely a teacher told on my parents. Nothing came of it. I was asked if my parents are abusive and I said they weren't.
I had that happen to me, too. It was stupid though because I was like 13 or 14 at the time and my brother and sister are only a couple years younger so it was really no big deal for us to be home by ourselves for a few hours after school. It really fucked my mom up for a long time though. I don’t think they ever figured out who called it in.


I had that happen to me, too. It was stupid though because I was like 13 or 14 at the time and my brother and sister are only a couple years younger so it was really no big deal for us to be home by ourselves for a few hours after school. It really fucked my mom up for a long time though. I don’t think they ever figured out who called it in.
I was in 6th grade and was just turning 11 when it happened. I don't even know if they talked to any of my neighbors but I highly doubt it because not one of them were up to any good themselves.

But that year I had a very oddly liberal teacher who was new to teaching and probably excited about teaching inner city kids and would always ask us about how we are and shit lol. That hippy cunt was definitely the one who called on my parents.

I remember she called my house in the middle of the school year at like 7:00 pm asking if my parents were available. I asked her why she was calling and she said she wanted to discuss my grades with my them. I told her they work, she said oh ok, I told her never to call my house again and hung up hard on her. Next morning in class she pulled me to the side and said i was very disrespectful and at that point gave up on me. She was about to cry because I was smirking at her when she was yelling at me. Lol.

Good times!

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I was in 6th grade and was just turning 11 when it happened. I don't even know if they talked to any of my neighbors but I highly doubt it because not one of them were up to any good themselves.

But that year I had a very oddly liberal teacher who was new to teaching and probably excited about teaching inner city kids and would always ask us about how we are and shit lol. That hippy cunt was definitely the one who called on my parents.

I remember she called my house in the middle of the school year at like 7:00 pm asking if my parents were available. I asked her why she was calling and she said she wanted to discuss my grades with my them. I told her they work, she said oh ok, I told her never to call my house again and hung up hard on her. Next morning in class she pulled me to the side and said i was very disrespectful and at that point gave up on me. She was about to cry because I was smirking at her when she was yelling at me. Lol.

Good times!

damn brotherman


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
One of my neighbors snitched my mom and dad out because, during one of their squabbles, my dad took a chair in the dining room and demolished it against the wall in three mighty heaves. My mom corralled my sister and I into her bedroom one day and coached us on exactly what to say to the lady who was gonna be talking to us. I was too young to understand what was going on at the time and it was only when I got older that I put together who she was and why she was there. The cops were at my house frequently growing up and there was a lot of illegal activity going on there. That said, I'm unsure I should've been taken away from my parents because they did provide for me and I never went hungry or anything like that. Just a lot of screaming and yelling, drug and alcohol abuse, and the occasional love tap.


Calling all simps
My first case was for smoking weed while pregnant and when they did their investigation they found that my husband was beating me and violating an order of protection
Showed up to my house one night when the baby was a few days old and had him arrested and told me they were gonna take the kids. I put on a big dramatic show and they said fine just show up to our office tomorrow morning
Opened a case against me, they would show up to my house look around and get a urine sample. About 2 weeks into it I said fuck this and moved to Florida to escape them and my husband.
They had florida come check me out and they couldn't find any reason to open a case so they left me alone

Fast forward 4 years I'm taken by ambulance to the mental hospital at night. My parents took the kids and the very next day went to court. I got 18 months of treatment and the idea was to get back the kids back at the end, but they are just so loved and doing so well I didn't want to disrupt that. They deserve a stable carefree childhood.


The Backbone of America
I was questioned by CPS when I was little because I was a latchkey kid and likely a teacher told on my parents. Nothing came of it. I was asked if my parents are abusive and I said they weren't.
Never had CAS called, but my mom hated my kindergarten teacher (who was like 6'4" and looked like Frankenstein's monster) because she used to call and try to give my parents shit for not sending me to school with enough snacks. I'd get a peanut butter sandwich, an apple, a yogurt and a bag of carrots and celery. I think the cunt thought that because my mom packed me healthy lunches instead of a bunch of processed shit like dunkaroos and fruit roll ups that I wasn't being fed properly. Same teacher who got me assaulted by a retard.