Had any run ins with CPS?

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
You need advice soldier? I had to deal with them once

I appreciate the potential advice, but I did have to deal with them like 4/5 years ago. My wifes(then gf) 1/2 brother came to stay with us and watch this heavy rock festival(Perfect Circle/bunch of stupid shit I don't know) and my wife suggested I smoke him out before, and then we were giving him booze at the show(willingly). He was 19. Apparently he told his mom(my wifes evil step mom) about said booze/weed and she sent a letter to our local CPS office just listing off as many things as she could think of that we did in order to get my wifes kids, my step kids taken away. Meth, smack, beating the shit out of eachother, etc. The CPS worker bitch that came over when we were asking about who told them(wondering which neighbor to murder) said it was a male complaint. til we thought a bit more that my wifes evil step mom did everything through letters and it was not "male" but "mail." We had a few months of terror, had to get drug tested( I had done some bumps) and the kids wound up getting pulled out of school for interviews on one of their last days of school. We of course were determined to have been fine, but the system is so fucked this cunt couldn't just make the decision in a week, it took her months.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I appreciate the potential advice, but I did have to deal with them like 4/5 years ago. My wifes(then gf) 1/2 brother came to stay with us and watch this heavy rock festival(Perfect Circle/bunch of stupid shit I don't know) and my wife suggested I smoke him out before, and then we were giving him booze at the show(willingly). He was 19. Apparently he told his mom(my wifes evil step mom) about said booze/weed and she sent a letter to our local CPS office just listing off as many things as she could think of that we did in order to get my wifes kids, my step kids taken away. Meth, smack, beating the shit out of eachother, etc. The CPS worker bitch that came over when we were asking about who told them(wondering which neighbor to murder) said it was a male complaint. til we thought a bit more that my wifes evil step mom did everything through letters and it was not "male" but "mail." We had a few months of terror, had to get drug tested( I had done some bumps) and the kids wound up getting pulled out of school for interviews on one of their last days of school. We of course were determined to have been fine, but the system is so fucked this cunt couldn't just make the decision in a week, it took her months.
Anytime dude, nigga I know cps is necessary. Because of how many awful parents there are. But the fucking people who snitch other people out to them frivolously should be nigger raped.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Yeah there are certainly shitloads of bad parents but also shitloads of bad CPS people. It all sucks shit.
Oh definitely I got lucky I had a nice older lady who knew she was there for no reason. She tried to catch me by surprise though, old cunt. Came at 7am and when I opened the door she was standing with three people waiting for weed.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
My one good buddy had this crazy cunt girlfriend who called them on my two other friends

people that do this should be ground up and fed to shitbirds.

It's a pretty common thing that CPS abducts kids and sells them into prostitution. There's definitely good CPS workers but it's not a world you want to fuck with if you actually care about the kids at all.


The Backbone of America
people that do this should be ground up and fed to shitbirds.

It's a pretty common thing that CPS abducts kids and sells them into prostitution. There's definitely good CPS workers but it's not a world you want to fuck with if you actually care about the kids at all.
Yeah it's literally an evil thing to do to someone. Trying to have their kids taken away from their loving home and dropped into whatever shitty situation, which is both the parents and the kids worst nightmares. It was doubly fucked up because my friends were never anything but nice to the crazy whore who called them and she didn't even do it because she had a problem with them. She was just mad at her boyfriend about something and was like "I'm going to ruin his friends' lives. That'll show him."

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Yeah, I when I was younger a CPS agent came to the front door. I was nervous, I was still new at this at the time, and I invited her in to take a seat, even offered her a tea, I think. She could tell from my quick monosyllabic responses that I was anxious, so she places her hands on my shoulder and brushed her nose into my neck. "Is this your first time?" she whispered in my ear, letting her warm breath condense on me as her lip brushed up against it. It was not my first time, I knew exactly what she was there to do, and had concealed a penknife in my sleeve specifically for the occasion. I dug it into her side in between the ribs, a dozen times, then 2 dozen. I lost count. She collapsed on the floor, and her eyes showed genuine surprise, maybe it was her first time. That night I packed my bags quickly, and left to Mogadishu in a fishing vessel, I knew the CPS wouldn't stop sending their assassins until they got what they wanted, so I let them find me dead in the sea, or at least a fisherman who could pass as me after a tattoo job and some... improvised dental work. Things are different now, though, after Covid the CPS procedures and protocols have changed a lot.


My buddy's dumbfuck ex threatened me with CPS when I had him over at my place for a few days during the break-up. I took his phone away the first morning because she was just being a vile cunt who wouldn't leave it alone and I wasn't going to watch my bro go through that in my house.

She finally called me asking for him and I told her I wouldn't put him on the phone so she decided to get stupid about it. I hung up and went over there immediately, banged on the door and when she came out I told her I'd find the meanest native chick I could at the shittiest bar in that part of town and give the squaw a bottle of whiskey to punch her teeth down her fucking throat if she wanted to be an asshole.

The phone calls stopped and I never did hear from the CPS.