Grand Theft Auto 6


Breakfast Corn
I just looked up the trailer for it. What the fuck is this shit? Making all the characters diverse hipsters? Saints Row was always about being super over the top and offensive.
There is a reason you never knew about it even though its a few years old now. I hope its just a troll move by rockstar. Either way I havent played GTA in years. I never even crossed over my xbox360 game file to the xbox one when they opened up to the "next gen" consoles at the time. Crazy how long they stretched that games life.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
And it's not going to be woke. Its Grand Theft fucking Auto.
They recently removed drag queens from the GTAV current gen releases because twitter trannies were offended that people were uploading videos of gleeful in-game murders. Rockstar is a completely different company now.
