Grand Theft Auto 6



I like the vibrant world and the main character Arthur is great but the gameplay and quest design just doesn’t do it for me. I wanted to love it but i just liked it. Maybe my expectations were too high.
There's so much petty shit in the mechanics and world that made me angry at the game. Then again if if you don't want to get fined for bumping an npc on your horse or have all the fun of twiddling your thumbs in real life while fishing in a video game, just dont play it. I guess.


There's so much petty shit in the mechanics and world that made me angry at the game. Then again if if you don't want to get fined for bumping an npc on your horse or have all the fun of twiddling your thumbs in real life while fishing in a video game, just dont play it. I guess.

The quests design also felt very ancient. Go here, kill these guys, go back to camp again. During the quests it almost feels like you’re on rails, no freedom at all.

I love the characters, Arthur is one of the best protagonists ever, the world design is great in an aesthetic sense, the story is passable but the gameplay really is a bummer.


The quests design also felt very ancient. Go here, kill these guys, go back to camp again. During the quests it almost feels like you’re on rails, no freedom at all.

I love the characters, Arthur is one of the best protagonists ever, the world design is great in an aesthetic sense, the story is passable but the gameplay really is a bummer.
Especially since when it comes to the shooting action part you either play on easy mode or you play on a really shitty hard mode with no auto aim. I dunno, but absolutely have to give props to the world designers like you said. It made it worth it to me.


Gaming companies want your subscription money instead of relying on a single large purchase that might or might not happen. AAA single player games are dying (again). Elder Scrolls, Fallout, GTA, etc were all massive sellers and the companies put them on the shelf for online versions.


Breakfast Corn
Probably a few more years, but it's going to be woke shit. They've already said they are toning down on the violence and offensive humor and you'll play as a latina chick.

So sad if it happens. GTA was all about giving a middle finger to all the people that get triggered over a video game.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
There was radio silence on GTA6 until this year. Then out of nowhere came a Bloomberg article dropping deets on the protaganists and Rockstar themselvea announced they are moving staff away from other projects to finish production on GTA. I'd guess at 2024/2025 release.

It's the 25th anniversary of the original GTA in October though. We'll probably get new info then


i remember being so excited for the GTA online bullshit when it first came out and there were apparently going to be heists. Took fawkin forever to get into a match with your friend and by the time you finally did there wasnt shit to do. We would just try and get into the military base and steal cargo planes for hours never succeeding. Have they just been releasing patches to that for years?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Wasnt there a game that was similar to GTA that went the went the woke route and failed? I cant think of the title of the top of my head.
Did Saints Row go woke? I haven't kept up with that series since the 3rd game but it wouldn't shock me. I also heard that the latest Watch Dogs game which is somewhat similar to GTA had a bunch of left wing politics in it.