Getting into Stern


Stand Alone Fruit
Anything with Gilbert sitting in for the news if you can find it. Also all Jackie bashing still makes me laugh because of all the material related to Jackie (his 4 crappy houses, his jetty, his complaining, his drinking, Nancy, etc) was great. If it hasn’t been scrubbed try to find Jackie’s dead Cat Timmy saga which was great. Funny to hear Stern goofing on a dead cat to only years later turn into an old cat lady.
The KRock shit before 1996 when he started making that gay movie, then the post movie years before Jackie quit. Some of the Retartie stuff is OK, too. But be aware that much of it is a product of its time and comes across as really gay and stupid now. For my money you can't go wrong with the Billy West stuff, which was prime era Howie.
Anything with Gilbert sitting in for the news if you can find it. Also all Jackie bashing still makes me laugh because of all the material related to Jackie (his 4 crappy houses, his jetty, his complaining, his drinking, Nancy, etc) was great. If it hasn’t been scrubbed try to find Jackie’s dead Cat Timmy saga which was great. Funny to hear Stern goofing on a dead cat to only years later turn into an old cat lady.
Remember when Abe Hirschfeld was on the phone and Gilbert made him repeat that stupid joke over and over?