Getting fired for telling a shitty customer you don't care


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I can say 'nigger' at my job. Tee hee.



On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Did I strike a cord fatty?

That guy in the clip i posted got a free meal, then got his money back

he is the broke faggot here, giving trouble to a young man doing his job

his job isnt to participate in a bad faith grift and hand out free meals to losers

you need to stop pulling these fast food scams and go on a diet if you cant afford your greasy burgers.
This sad motherfucker posted to my profile to ask why I car crashed him. Sorry I expect some service. Nice job identifying with a loser from a John Hughes movie. It makes me glad to see more and more fast food goons getting shot over not putting the mayo on, either they survive and learn or die and decrease the low class population. Win-Win either way. The customer is always right, and I think I will try the Whammy burger.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
This sad motherfucker posted to my profile to ask why I car crashed him. Sorry I expect some service. Nice job identifying with a loser from a John Hughes movie. It makes me glad to see more and more fast food goons getting shot over not putting the mayo on, either they survive and learn or die and decrease the low class population. Win-Win either way. The customer is always right, and I think I will try the Whammy burger.

the last guy that tried to publicly shame me @The $23739.25 Fuchitive ended up dying

just saying


Posting in the bakowza
Never got fired, but when I was managing a sub shop, had some woman burst in demanding a remake of her order from several days ago, with no proof she had even placed one to begin with. This was also during Covid time, so customers weren’t allowed in at all. Told her to get out, we weren’t doing shit for her. Bitch threw a tantrum, then I decided to deploy their own bullshit against them; said they were now trespassing and I’m calling the police (started taking pics as well). Lost her shit, said she’s calling the police. 5 minutes later they come to her car first, she gives some bullshit story how the workers had threatened her (both guys I was working with were black, even the cops knew what she was trying to pull). I told them what was going on, they seemed disgusted at her, and said they were telling her to fuck off. Our store gets a corporate complaint a day later with her lying her ass off about us threatening her. Luckily, they (for whatever reason) had to include their address in with the complaint. Needless to say, someone woke up the next day to a flat tire and a broken mailbox.

TLDR: a cunt was a cunt and got what a cunt deserves

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
idk why you american folxs put up with that tips shit, its like hidden charges. give me mcd all day mang
It’s because restaurants are allowed to pay them less than minimum wage because of it. They can then lower food prices, putting the cost of employment pretty much entirely on the customer. It’s complete bull shit but, it adds up about the same as not having a tipping system.


Selling cars years ago and it's an industry where you can get away with telling off a customer and not get into any trouble, sometimes the manager or even owner will come in and actually finalize telling someone off for you.

I remember an old GSM I had found out we were about to sell a car to some level 3 sex offender because we googled his name. I came back to the guy with a price that was 2k over sticker and he looked at me like I was nuts.

The GSM from across the store stood and said "that's the pedo price." The guy ended up leaving horrendously embarrassed. I couldn't believe it.

I missed out on a deal, but was still given half an eight ball by that GSM at the end of the night because of it.

What an industry!

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
Selling cars years ago and it's an industry where you can get away with telling off a customer and not get into any trouble, sometimes the manager or even owner will come in and actually finalize telling someone off for you.

I remember an old GSM I had found out we were about to sell a car to some level 3 sex offender because we googled his name. I came back to the guy with a price that was 2k over sticker and he looked at me like I was nuts.

The GSM from across the store stood and said "that's the pedo price." The guy ended up leaving horrendously embarrassed. I couldn't believe it.

I missed out on a deal, but was still given half an eight ball by that GSM at the end of the night because of it.

What an industry!

You live a cool life artie

i wish I could not talk to people for 4 days straight



I lived this scene as a server when some cunt was telling me how I was the absolute worst server she's ever dealt with, and kept going on and on and on

eventually I said "yeah I don't care

"you don't care?"

"not really"

"what if I tell your manager that you don't care"

"tell my manager please"

and i kept doing my shift, she did tell my manager, he brought me in and asked if I said what I said, after explained what she said and apologized for snapping, they said "you can't say you don't care, we can't have the customer hearing you don't care we have to fire you"

people that are mean to staff deserve some kinda beating, and it sucks cause my mom is a cunt to staff yet is the biggest baby when she has to deal with any customer service with her own business

being a waiter is the closest thing to being a slave we have in america, ya get 2.15 an hour and hopefully suck enough ass to get a decent tip

your at the mercy of the kitchen, and the hosts, and managers

the only benefit is if you are good, you can make made cash every night

it's a good way to learn how to talk to people, and it gives you structure that i'm sure the military gives the same stupid losers

but getting fired over stuff like this is always that sword of Damocles hanging above every interaction with a table
Sorry that happened to you, sir.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Selling cars years ago and it's an industry where you can get away with telling off a customer and not get into any trouble, sometimes the manager or even owner will come in and actually finalize telling someone off for you.

I remember an old GSM I had found out we were about to sell a car to some level 3 sex offender because we googled his name. I came back to the guy with a price that was 2k over sticker and he looked at me like I was nuts.

The GSM from across the store stood and said "that's the pedo price." The guy ended up leaving horrendously embarrassed. I couldn't believe it.

I missed out on a deal, but was still given half an eight ball by that GSM at the end of the night because of it.

What an industry!
buying a car sounds like such a nightmare, they ever figure out with an online system with fixed price and have it delivered like a laptop

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Never got fired, but when I was managing a sub shop, had some woman burst in demanding a remake of her order from several days ago, with no proof she had even placed one to begin with. This was also during Covid time, so customers weren’t allowed in at all. Told her to get out, we weren’t doing shit for her. Bitch threw a tantrum, then I decided to deploy their own bullshit against them; said they were now trespassing and I’m calling the police (started taking pics as well). Lost her shit, said she’s calling the police. 5 minutes later they come to her car first, she gives some bullshit story how the workers had threatened her (both guys I was working with were black, even the cops knew what she was trying to pull). I told them what was going on, they seemed disgusted at her, and said they were telling her to fuck off. Our store gets a corporate complaint a day later with her lying her ass off about us threatening her. Luckily, they (for whatever reason) had to include their address in with the complaint. Needless to say, someone woke up the next day to a flat tire and a broken mailbox.

TLDR: a cunt was a cunt and got what a cunt deserves
did you call the ferrari brothers? bet she didnt watch sopranos