Getting fired for telling a shitty customer you don't care

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner

I lived this scene as a server when some cunt was telling me how I was the absolute worst server she's ever dealt with, and kept going on and on and on

eventually I said "yeah I don't care

"you don't care?"

"not really"

"what if I tell your manager that you don't care"

"tell my manager please"

and i kept doing my shift, she did tell my manager, he brought me in and asked if I said what I said, after explained what she said and apologized for snapping, they said "you can't say you don't care, we can't have the customer hearing you don't care we have to fire you"

people that are mean to staff deserve some kinda beating, and it sucks cause my mom is a cunt to staff yet is the biggest baby when she has to deal with any customer service with her own business

being a waiter is the closest thing to being a slave we have in america, ya get 2.15 an hour and hopefully suck enough ass to get a decent tip

your at the mercy of the kitchen, and the hosts, and managers

the only benefit is if you are good, you can make made cash every night

it's a good way to learn how to talk to people, and it gives you structure that i'm sure the military gives the same stupid losers

but getting fired over stuff like this is always that sword of Damocles hanging above every interaction with a table
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Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I used to take it as a challenge to try and win them over, but when they look at your name badge and say your name that is a real scumbag move right there. You ever call an employee by their name when they haven't introduced themselves you deserve your ass kicked.

there was no way for me to do that in this situation. it wasn’t a format were this person was even supposed to be talking so they were literally basically whispering these very cunty insults

i was also 22 at the time, as a dude with experience if it ever gets to that level I just tell my manager this bitch or dude is being a cunt can you take care of this one problem

and usually i am cool with my bosses so they understand what i mean because they are ex servers that became managers


When I was a grocery store cashier we had all kinds of tricks to deal with uppity cunts who thought they should be treated like royalty for some reason. Squeeze the bread when you put it in the bag, smash some eggs, “forget” to put a bag in the cart, charge them for shit they didn’t have, make their checks (back when people wrote checks) not be accepted in the machine and other shit like that.

My mom is shitty to servers a lot too and I can never understand why you would do that to someone who is giving you food. If I get a shitty waiter I don’t do anything until I know I’m not getting any more food or drinks and even then I’ll rarely make a big deal about it. Just give them a bad tip and move on.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
This was years ago at one of my old sales jobs I thought the phone had hung up but it didn't while I was talking shit about a client and they heard and reported it to my supervisor. Somehow I didn't get fired lol

Oopsie doodles
When I was a grocery store cashier we had all kinds of tricks to deal with uppity cunts who thought they should be treated like royalty for some reason. Squeeze the bread when you put it in the bag, smash some eggs, “forget” to put a bag in the cart, charge them for shit they didn’t have, make their checks (back when people wrote checks) not be accepted in the machine and other shit like that.

My mom is shitty to servers a lot too and I can never understand why you would do that to someone who is giving you food. If I get a shitty waiter I don’t do anything until I know I’m not getting any more food or drinks and even then I’ll rarely make a big deal about it. Just give them a bad tip and move on.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Guy called the funeral home to ask about cremation prices. Told him it was $1445. Then broke the pricing down for him. $1100 for the cremation, $200 for the cheapest box to put his wife in the retort, and $145 to get the medical examiner to sign off on the cremation.

He said, "You're nickel and diming me! "

I replied politely that, "No, I'm itemizing the charges so you understand why it's $1445."

He kept giving me shit about every goddamned thing. I finally had enough - look, you miserable fuck, I'm trying to help you here - so I said, "Fuck yourself. I guarantee after I hang up on you, which I'll do in ten seconds, you'll call other places and end up calling me back because we're the cheapest."

And then I hung up.

He called back the next morning to make arrangements.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
Do your job or find another.

Did I strike a cord fatty?

That guy in the clip i posted got a free meal, then got his money back

he is the broke faggot here, giving trouble to a young man doing his job

his job isnt to participate in a bad faith grift and hand out free meals to losers

you need to stop pulling these fast food scams and go on a diet if you cant afford your greasy burgers


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
have you considered learning to trade your poor disposition in for a positive demeanor?
Just breaking your balls, a job is a job.
