Genital herpes



Fucking hell.

I dont have it, but this other "chick" I am dating (not the one whise dad is a cop) who I considered wife worthy dropped the bombshell she has genital herpes last night.

She said it only flares up once a year or so, and that it's really common... lots of people have it.

I (((googled))) it and yeah, it is common. But ffs. It really changed my opinion on potententially settling down with her.

Am I being a little bitch about this? I like her, but how the fuck am I meant to eat out my wife, or fuck her, knowing she has genital herpes?

I found a bunch of reddit threads with degenerates saying genital herpes is normal etc. I hate them so much. Or are they right?

If she became my wife, I'd most likely get it too. That I do not want.

Need some brotherman insight. Break up with her? Or am I overreacting?

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
These quotes make me very uncomfortable.
In all seriousness, if you are going to be with this "chick" for a long time, you're gonna get the herps from her. Maybe not, but you gotta figure it's more likely than not. As I understand it HSV1/mouth herps/cold sores is inconvenient but not that big a deal, as these things go. HSV2/genital herps is much more uncomfortable. You can also get mouth herps on your junk, and vice versa. You can have both in both places, if you're determined. Unironically a tough one, man. Genuinely.


These quotes make me very uncomfortable.

Torquie is into the man love, good for you, brother!

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That wouldn't work for me, brother. How long did she wait to tell you that? I would hope that's an early conversation and if you've already fucked and dated for a few weeks, not telling you would speak more to her character than even having the herp.
I mentioned how the sore on my lip isnt actually herpes and then asked her if she had any stds, and she told me. This was date... maybe 5? We've only made out, havent fawked (fucked).


"HSV-2 can be dangerous for pregnant women and the neonate, particularly during the last trimester of pregnancy. The virus may cause premature labor and babies can contract the virus in the womb or when passing through the birth canal."

Well that's fucked. I dont want my kid to have herpes. Fuck.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
The mere fact that you are beseeching us for advice all ready tells you what you need to know.

It troubles you, and it's silently eating at you. The most that you can hope from us is to talk you into compromising, or forcing yourself to be "okay" with it.

You shouldn't have to compromise your feelings, and if you did, over time you would resent either her or yourself for it. Props to her for admitting it before you fucked, BUT the fact that you had to basically ask her first isn't a good look.

Never settle, my man.