Firearms Fatty appears


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
Pats a fucking retard. More retarded than what im about to share. We used to put .22s in the vice and hit them with a ball peen hammer and make them pop off. Itd usually shred the jacket and send shrapnel flying everywhere like a shotgun. It would put tiny little holes everywhere but it was hilarious to do as a kid. What im getting at is, even as an 11yr old, id figured out “hey if we just put a pipe in the front of this bullet when we hit it, we can channel the shrapnel the direction we want it to go!”. If little retarded 11 yo me can come up with a workaround to not having a Ruger 22 at my disposal, anyone can. But go ahead and waste all your time and energy making 3d printed guns illegal. Im sure itll solve everything.
I did something like that as a kid too. I put a firecracker in a pipe that was crimped at one end and stuck the fuse through the crimped part. Then I put a rock in the pipe and lit the firecracker. It shot out probably 6 feet and I basically discovered the principal of rifling by accident.


The fact that this retard said it was 3d printed (probably just so he'd have an excuse to give us his hot take on ghost guns) when it clearly is pipes held together on a piece of wood with electrical tape makes me laugh.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
Why Pat oinks about 3D printed guns, you ask? Easy, remember Fatty's only genuine position is whatever is the most self-serving, he only cares about himself}

designs for 3D printed guns are distibuted online and are protected by the First Ammendment and Section 230. He wants the government to havily censor the Internet because people call him fat and expose him for the deadbeat father that he is.


A lot of people find the Naked Lunch unreadable so his books have that in common with Burroughs.
Picked it up in high school and didn't finish it. Enjoyed the Cronenberg movie but it's been over a decade since I saw it. Burroughs was a chomo, so he'd probably be grandmaster of the SFWA if he branched out into sci-fi.


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
The fact that this retard said it was 3d printed (probably just so he'd have an excuse to give us his hot take on ghost guns) when it clearly is pipes held together on a piece of wood with electrical tape makes me laugh.
The Japanese guy “3D printed” a piece of paper with directions to the hardware store where he could buy tape and wood.
I tried reading it once and it felt like the writings of a schizo. The movie is way better.
It's been a long time since I've read anything by him, so my memory could be way wrong, but Burroughs was a hack, imo. Read "You Can't Win" by Jack Black, then read Burroughs's "Junky". It's a complete rip-off. Also, iirc, Burroughs only started using drugs and hanging out with drug-related losers because he wanted to sound interesting. Like, "I'll start using drugs so I can be a cool writer like all of the other cool writers" was his game. I can't recall off the top of my head which book he was ape-ing for Naked Lunch but it is just Junky re-hashed in a cribbed style.

All of those Beat types of writers sucked balls. Kerouac, Mailer especially (if you want to call him one), I'm sure Ginsberg sucked too but I've never read anything by him. Give me a fawkin Hubert Selby book and my lunchpail and I'll punch the clock any day of the week.


It's been a long time since I've read anything by him, so my memory could be way wrong, but Burroughs was a hack, imo. Read "You Can't Win" by Jack Black, then read Burroughs's "Junky". It's a complete rip-off. Also, iirc, Burroughs only started using drugs and hanging out with drug-related losers because he wanted to sound interesting. Like, "I'll start using drugs so I can be a cool writer like all of the other cool writers" was his game. I can't recall off the top of my head which book he was ape-ing for Naked Lunch but it is just Junky re-hashed in a cribbed style.

All of those Beat types of writers sucked balls. Kerouac, Mailer especially (if you want to call him one), I'm sure Ginsberg sucked too but I've never read anything by him. Give me a fawkin Hubert Selby book and my lunchpail and I'll punch the clock any day of the week.
Yeah I agree 100%. Looking back at my post it looks like I was implying he was good, but what I meant was he was shit and Patrick is even worse than that. To his credit, at least he was linked to some good media (the movie Drugstore Cowboy, the Cronenberg film, and being in the intro of Sopranos Season 6), whereas I'm not so sure Mama Raven's special boy's "bigger than Netflix" deal will ever see the light of day.