Firearms Fatty appears


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
It was an homemade double barrel, you can Google "slamfire shotgun" and see exactly what he used, with a length that could be considered "sawn off" but I didnt exactly have a jap with an English ruler nearby. He's right and patty doesn't know

Sometimes both people are correct, but sometimes both people are just retarded.
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why is he focusing on the '3d-printed' thing? I haven't looked closely but it didn't look 3d-printed to me. Is he just sticking to it now he said it, or are 3d printed guns part of a new crusade of his?
Apparently 3D printed guns are a new thing that people are doing and the left is losing their shit over it, although im not close to the details as I have a regular ass pistol. I think he’s just shoehorning it into the conversation to make it unnecessarily political.

The gun actually used looked like a deadlier double barreled potato gun wrapped in electrical tape - the last thing anybody would think is 3D printed


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
why is he focusing on the '3d-printed' thing? I haven't looked closely but it didn't look 3d-printed to me. Is he just sticking to it now he said it, or are 3d printed guns part of a new crusade of his?
It doesn’t look like a 3D printed gun at all. Usually people 3D print glocks or AR’s and they just look like plastic versions of the original guns. Rudimentary pipe guns like that are very easy to make with household materials.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
It doesn’t look like a 3D printed gun at all. Usually people 3D print glocks or AR’s and they just look like plastic versions of the original guns. Rudimentary pipe guns like that are very easy to make with household materials.
Pats a fucking retard. More retarded than what im about to share. We used to put .22s in the vice and hit them with a ball peen hammer and make them pop off. Itd usually shred the jacket and send shrapnel flying everywhere like a shotgun. It would put tiny little holes everywhere but it was hilarious to do as a kid. What im getting at is, even as an 11yr old, id figured out “hey if we just put a pipe in the front of this bullet when we hit it, we can channel the shrapnel the direction we want it to go!”. If little retarded 11 yo me can come up with a workaround to not having a Ruger 22 at my disposal, anyone can. But go ahead and waste all your time and energy making 3d printed guns illegal. Im sure itll solve everything.