Finally he admits he's useless.



No shit, ham hock. 50 words a day is not good output for a meter maid let alone a novelist.



He seems to have enough time to put out 25-tweet threads about Transformers and the Ukraine but he can't do a thousand words on his stupid books.

This is how incredibly stupid he is. A person who admits he has ADHD/ADD/whatever can't put his phone down and picks a fucking bar to try and work. Tons of distractions. No wonder it takes him years to finish something.

What's also really sad is that his books are so terrible I expect them to come from someone who says they bang out 5 thousand words a day and get the book done in a month. That would make more sense. This fat fuck is admitting he spends tons of time on these books. All that time and they're are pure dogshit.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
"Outlining the project"? I thought one of the common complaints from here is that people suddenly pop up in scenes like they've always been there, because he needs them but has forgotten to move them from wherever he left them.

Based on his own words he has a plethora of completed works just waiting to be picked up. Yet we hear nothing about it when he tweets his lizard has had enough. Something doesn’t add up.
Actually, as of mid last year he only had one completed but not published project. That's 18 months into the pandemic, and 18 months after Tor released him from further work; and he'd accomplished nothing, the fat lump:

Patrick's not working.png

Link to the archive, he's still at 15 likes nearly a year later.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Nigga you writin spec, doesn’t matter how fast you do it no one’s interested and no one’s paying you for it. You’re fat and you will die alone without the love of your daughter I’ll give you 25 rubles to give me a thousand words on that topic
Please remember that this is not speculation or exaggeration, he has admitted that he's writing on spec nowadays on interviews.


"Outlining the project"? I thought one of the common complaints from here is that people suddenly pop up in scenes like they've always been there, because he needs them but has forgotten to move them from wherever he left them.

Actually, as of mid last year he only had one completed but not published project. That's 18 months into the pandemic, and 18 months after Tor released him from further work; and he'd accomplished nothing, the fat lump:

View attachment 29236
Link to the archive, he's still at 15 likes nearly a year later.

Good lord, I can't even imagine how terrible that unpublished book is if even Fatso thinks it sucks. Then again, I don't believe him. Why would you not delete it or file it away somewhere if you don't want to publish it? Why ask twitter or mention it in the first place? Patrick just wants attention and for people to compliment him. Fat.