Fathers, how hard is raising a baby?


The Backbone of America
I don’t get this shit. You leave the baby on its back too long it can develop a fucked up head. But you have to leave it on its back so it doesn’t die of SIDS. Comments? How hard is raising a baby? Not like i’ll ever need this information anyway
I'm not a father but I know you have to turn the little fellers like sausages every little while.

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
Imagine having a thing that you have to constantly be around or it’ll probably die. No leaving the house, no vacations, no more getting through a 2-hour movie. Now keep in mind you have to feed it every two hours, even at night, and that process takes 10 - 30 minutes of those two hours. Sometimes it decides not even eat even though that’s its only function. And it shits itself so you’re constantly checking for shit.

Other than that it’s PFG. Would do again

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
We’ve had multiple post Covid babies so we’re in the toddler trenches. Free time goes away. Sleeping in goes away, I wake up every day at 4:50, but my kids wake up at the latest 6:30. Daycare is almost 2k per month. They’re fairly cheap once they get out of the formula and diapers phase but then sports, clothes and school supplies starts.

It’s fun but it’s a different life. If you’re young or can’t give up most of your social life for someone else, you should get a wine subscription and a pitbull instead.


The Backbone of America
My ex pretty much raised her 3 siblings because their mom was a loser. They all had stories about being dropped and stuff. Her sister was showing me a bunch of pictures one time and she was like "notice how I look miserable in every picture because this bitch was always just dragging me around like a doll." Like nothing malevolent, she was just also a little kid in charge of a littler kid and treated the littler kid like a toy so she'd get a little dinged up.


Depends on the baby and it depends on how much effort the parent wants to put forth.

I read a Reddit post about a mom talking about her autistic daughter who rubbed the walls with her own feces. That sounds challenging. It'd be equally challenging to raise a son like Patrick S. Tomlinson who required speed pills to achieve more than a D- in problem solving class (he got the D- anyway).

But, you could always make it not hard at all by being a dumb nigger, getting on EBT, and just letting your keeds run amok and drink soda from a baby bottle.


Imagine having a thing that you have to constantly be around or it’ll probably die. No leaving the house, no vacations, no more getting through a 2-hour movie. Now keep in mind you have to feed it every two hours, even at night, and that process takes 10 - 30 minutes of those two hours. Sometimes it decides not even eat even though that’s its only function. And it shits itself so you’re constantly checking for shit.

Other than that it’s PFG. Would do again
This basically.

The funny thing is how much more relaxed you are with the second. Our first I was waking up 3 times a night just to check he was still breathing. My wife would sterilise everything he'd come into contact with - bottles, dummies, toys, blankets. By the time he was crawling, every electric socket had those plugs on, every table corner had those rubber guards.

With the second, none of that. He dropped his spoon? 5 second rule. By the time my daughter came around, she was basically left to fend for herself after a year old.

Dusty Dan

Hard, but easier than I though it'd be. The arrogant cunt in me would say, hard if you're doing it right. Even with the easiest baby in the world you will have to adjust how you behave, your approach to situations and your personal priorities. Add in the lack of sleep, unsociable lifestyle, strange eating times and habits and it can be a lotto get used to.

Our first was relatively easy: no crying, ate anything, weaned easily. Our second is a fucking nightmare at just over a year still not letting us put him down for more than a few minutes.

At any rate, you find ways to adjust. I was never a film guy - had hardly seen any films except for a few classics and blockbusters - but I suddenly found I had loads of time to sit and watch films while trying to get the kids to sleep. I appreciate the time I have more and spend more of it being productive now that I feel I'm doing it for a reason.

It gave me a sense of purpose that I thought I had before, but didn't.


Hard, but easier than I though it'd be. The arrogant cunt in me would say, hard if you're doing it right. Even with the easiest baby in the world you will have to adjust how you behave, your approach to situations and your personal priorities. Add in the lack of sleep, unsociable lifestyle, strange eating times and habits and it can be a lotto get used to.

Our first was relatively easy: no crying, ate anything, weaned easily. Our second is a fucking nightmare at just over a year still not letting us put him down for more than a few minutes.

At any rate, you find ways to adjust. I was never a film guy - had hardly seen any films except for a few classics and blockbusters - but I suddenly found I had loads of time to sit and watch films while trying to get the kids to sleep. I appreciate the time I have more and spend more of it being productive now that I feel I'm doing it for a reason.

It gave me a sense of purpose that I thought I had before, but didn't.
Was your second allergic to breast milk? Did you have to get him goat milk?

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
This basically.

The funny thing is how much more relaxed you are with the second. Our first I was waking up 3 times a night just to check he was still breathing. My wife would sterilise everything he'd come into contact with - bottles, dummies, toys, blankets. By the time he was crawling, every electric socket had those plugs on, every table corner had those rubber guards.

With the second, none of that. He dropped his spoon? 5 second rule. By the time my daughter came around, she was basically left to fend for herself after a year old.
Was just talking to my wife the other day about how for our first kid we had burp clothes everywhere in the house to be prepared at all times and now for the second I don’t even know where they are it’s like oh you spit up a little bit, let’s just use your own shirt to wipe that shit away.