Fat thinks the United States should be abolished


Dictator Pat would be amazing. He'd wake up every morning and decide to make some retarded edict for no reason other than his bloated sense of self-importance. The NBA is abolished because I don't like basketball! Nobody can drink coffee anymore, I prefer tea so that's what everyone else has to drink! Elon Musk is to be executed and I don't have to tell you why!
Dictator Pat would be in his seat for about 15 minutes before someone poisoned his Diet Coke.


He has to be so mentally unhealthy spending all his time on this shut.

Then I spend half my day here, which people would say is equally pathetic but that's just cause they don't know how still hilarious it all is
Pat’s form of democracy is what de Tocqueville and others warned against. He’s all in with the tyranny of the masses.

But what is closer to the truth is that Fatty would be fine with a dictatorship as long as he was in charge. He would see himself as part of the technocratic elite, but I don’t think they would accept his application. 1.2 and all…