Fat thinks the United States should be abolished




He's also talking shit with the first tweet. All 16 of Germany's states (Landës) have their own constitutions and are largely independent in terms of internal organisation and policy. I think Italy is similar. Aussies, isn't it a similar deal there? I just remember reading that NSW was doing their own thing during covid.

1.2 once again tweeting with authority about something he knows fuck all about. Fat.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
Our name is literally "the United States of America". Meaning we started out as individual states, and then decided to unite. The 10th amendment specifically states anything not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution was left for the states to decide. The house's population-based representation and the senate's equal votes per states reflect that the states matter. At least with separate states the faggy liberals, the religious Mormons, the rednecks and the illegals can have all areas and laws adapted for them. Does this fat idiot really think the federal government illegally sizing power for the states is in our best interest? I hate this fat asshole.


Ain't it fun?
Switzerland is called Confederatio Helvetica gor a reason - we federated internal affairs over three different jurisdictions - state, canton and Gemeinde, giving the very bottom the most decision making capabilties. Basically civil law, courts, languages, public offices and other mores change depending on driving a few Kilometers here.

Unless it's the coof of course, then our overlords have shown they are more than willing to risk civil war with a heavily armed populous by mandating things via state of emergency clauses instead of waiting out a canton's or gemeinde's decision.

Pat is not very worldly, I also hear he is pretty fat.


How does that feel?!
Switzerland is called Confederatio Helvetica gor a reason - we federated internal affairs over three different jurisdictions - state, canton and Gemeinde, giving the very bottom the most decision making capabilties. Basically civil law, courts, languages, public offices and other mores change depending on driving a few Kilometers here.

Unless it's the coof of course, then our overlords have shown they are more than willing to risk civil war with a heavily armed populous by mandating things via state of emergency clauses instead of waiting out a canton's or gemeinde's decision.

Pat is not very worldly, I also hear he is pretty fat.
not just pretty fat but a very ugly fat.
Unless it's the coof of course, then our overlords have shown they are more than willing to risk civil war with a heavily armed populous by mandating things via state of emergency clauses instead of waiting out a canton's or gemeinde's decision.
Can you blame them? The Swiss at large are docile nothings. They're even weaker than their German cousins who bent over cheeks spread for everything over there.


The whole point of the states was so you could live in a state aligned with your politics but be able to move freely and conduct business between them. Hate guns? Move to NY. Hate abortion? Move to Alabama.

So great idea, Pat. Let’s abolish state and local government and leave it to the highly efficient Feds to manage and govern every square inch of the country. They do such a great job already so why not expand their responsibilities?

I really don’t understand why he doesn’t just move to China at this point. Maybe it’s because they have no patience for fat people over there.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Rick, you wouldn’t last in a communist regime. You’re too fat, out of shape, and stupid. You’d be a goon at best, but really you’d be in a work camp. The only people who survive, are the subversive. You couldn’t even hide a fake mechanic character for over a week. You’re too stupid for it. You should be the biggest freedom supporter of all time, because it’s the only reason you’re alive. Fat.