Fat fucking cunt



I mean, laws by definition are legal; and the US and Canada have about 400 years of quarantine precedent, so unless there's a procedural issue you're not really going to win that one.

Then you'd be publicly and openly protesting, and take your lumps in court like other activists do. That way you get awareness and social change - like the truck convoy, or the lunch counter sit-ins, or Stonewall. Without that, there's nothing on the other end of the seesaw.

In your case I think it's more of a shwoogie/toddler attitude - you want to do what you want to do, and fuck anyone else; and you haven't really thought through the consequences if you get caught. It's the same as those guys who go "Fuck this ankle monitor - I'm going out to party! Nobody - nobody tells me I can't drink!"

As for health issues.... You sound fat, and like a habitual smoker. There's a reason people compare your voice to Skip Lipari rather than any of the other, skinnier members of the Sopranos cast. You're kid's fat, too - judging from that pic of his pudgy fist. If it was Carole telling me he's not getting the shot because of the potential health risks, I'd believe him - that's a guy who's got all of his health bases covered. But in your case, given that you've dropped the ball personally and for your family... it just looks like another excuse.
You're insufferable. There are not 400 years of quarantine laws that include people being prevented from doing something as citizens solely because of the circumstance of their travel or health choices. I think you're literally passing judgements while blind likely because you have no choice but to guess and don't want to not have something to say. I have actively participated in the covid lockdown protests, was in Ottawa for a few days and have left my name and comments to politicians on both sides of the issue, but yer a dick, that didn't see that so you make a smug comment. Clearly your uninterested in reality and prefer your own opinion to actually being aware. Suffice to say I have protested in a variety of ways.

As for not thinking through things, that's the last thing I'd ever be like. You're an idiot if you think I managed my life the way I have, with the wealth I have if I didn't have forethought. You have zero idea what I've done with my life, where I've been, and how I am, you're basing your silly theory on my New York accent, because you're likely some apple-knocker.

Lastly I likely tower over you and I'm not fat, the fattest I was, was probably when I started Patposting and I'm quite a bit lighter now and I've never smoked. My youngest son is young, his hands aren't fat you idiot, they're little kid hands. His siblings are all normal, though he probably is 10-15 lbs over where he should be because being so young when we all locked down as you seem to prefer he ate too much. I would never deprive my child so some nitwit online could be happy. A cunt like you saying I've dropped the ball for my family when I'm wealthy and my kids have everything they want and have been to so many places is comical. You're admitting you fear a cold we've all had. I'm glad you think they're were any "skinny" Sopranos most were slobs, they compare me to him because of the lisp.

Now go get your booster, bitch. I'm shocked that a guy like you can be here and be such a compliant toad. I also love you calling the Aussie a NEET, I no longer work, train, or go to school, I did that for over 30 years and made wise choices and from where I sit if you're 50 and still need a day job, you've failed. I could be wrong, but at least I'm not here crying about needing a useless shot, that has not stopped the spread of a non-deadly illness, nor do I support the broad removal of civil rights because people don't share my opinions, unlike you.


Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
That's not how I figured you looked, based on your voice.

I did get into an argument about vaccination on Reddit with a guy from Melbourne, Australia who had a brain tumour. The tumour's fucked him up so bad he can't work, and one of his posts was about how girls on Tinder won't pick him just because he has no job and a fucked up eyeball like yours.

Was that you?
Aw baby boy, you upset at me because you took the vaxxie? No refunds, nigger.

As far as my use of fake vax passports, my now fake tests results for return, my lies that we're quarantining and taking return tests, what balances out that is my duty to resist laws which are illegal like things that create exceptional citizens based on actions that the state wants you to take that never before existed. Think of my see-saw as my pro civil rights attitude vs that of pot smokers that pandered forever to get it legalized while they violated laws. Why should my actions to weaken new laws that violate my rights to mobility and free commerce be less noble than legalizing an intoxicant? We're not living Orwell. we're living Huxley they gave the fools Soma and now they're taking their basic age old rights. I guess I could fear getting caught, but realistically what will Canada do to a US citizen over covid rules? They don't want that headache.

As for the vaccine being harmless, in that UK study for men under 40 the risk was higher with the vax than from the disease. " Among men under 40, there were an estimated four extra cases of myocarditis associated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and 14 extra cases with the first dose of the Moderna vaccine for every 1 million men vaccinated. That risk rose with the second dose for all three vaccines studied and was highest for Moderna's, which had an additional 97 myocarditis cases per 1 million. For unvaccinated men under 40 with COVID-19, there were 16 additional myocarditis cases per million." That means the second dose of Moderna is 6 plus times more likely to give you myocarditis than covid. That's like 516% if they were writing it saying something about the dangers of covid. It's clear the vaccine has failed to stop covid so it should be a personal choice to take it or not. Want some marginal benefit on a rushed treatment that seems to be a pretty shitty defense against getting and spreading covid take it, or don't, but we need to all move on.

Hasn't the left's politicization of the vaccine made you wonder about the veracity of the studies too? I've never seen something pushed so hard by politicos. I'm generally adverse to conspiracies but this time I get a little more suspicious that there could be something.
I smell a new podcast.


You're insufferable. There are not 400 years of quarantine laws that include people being prevented from doing something as citizens solely because of the circumstance of their travel or health choices. I think you're literally passing judgements while blind likely because you have no choice but to guess and don't want to not have something to say. I have actively participated in the covid lockdown protests, was in Ottawa for a few days and have left my name and comments to politicians on both sides of the issue, but yer a dick, that didn't see that so you make a smug comment. Clearly your uninterested in reality and prefer your own opinion to actually being aware. Suffice to say I have protested in a variety of ways.

As for not thinking through things, that's the last thing I'd ever be like. You're an idiot if you think I managed my life the way I have, with the wealth I have if I didn't have forethought. You have zero idea what I've done with my life, where I've been, and how I am, you're basing your silly theory on my New York accent, because you're likely some apple-knocker.

Lastly I likely tower over you and I'm not fat, the fattest I was, was probably when I started Patposting and I'm quite a bit lighter now and I've never smoked. My youngest son is young, his hands aren't fat you idiot, they're little kid hands. His siblings are all normal, though he probably is 10-15 lbs over where he should be because being so young when we all locked down as you seem to prefer he ate too much. I would never deprive my child so some nitwit online could be happy. A cunt like you saying I've dropped the ball for my family when I'm wealthy and my kids have everything they want and have been to so many places is comical. You're admitting you fear a cold we've all had. I'm glad you think they're were any "skinny" Sopranos most were slobs, they compare me to him because of the lisp.

Now go get your booster, bitch. I'm shocked that a guy like you can be here and be such a compliant toad. I also love you calling the Aussie a NEET, I no longer work, train, or go to school, I did that for over 30 years and made wise choices and from where I sit if you're 50 and still need a day job, you've failed. I could be wrong, but at least I'm not here crying about needing a useless shot, that has not stopped the spread of a non-deadly illness, nor do I support the broad removal of civil rights because people don't share my opinions, unlike you.

I stopped wearing a mask by September 2020. I've lived my life completely normally and haven't gotten the coof. Needless to say I'm not jabbed either. Some of my lefty family members treated me like a leper for it, got poisoned and still caught the Wuhan wheezies. That was really satisfying.