Faggot burns him self to death in protest of climate change




Hell yeah!


Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Fat cells, or adipocytes, consist of about 95% triglycerides - which are a 3-carbon backbone with three attached fatty acids. Most of the fatty acids are saturated, that is, they contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms. The rest of the adipocyte is cytoplasm with all the usual organelles.

Fat can burn if there is a steady flame source to get it started. Forensic studies have solved some cases of death of bodies that appeared spontaneously combust by demonstrating that if a body is still and clothing is set on fire and some of the skin is breached, some of the clothing will act as a wick for the fat to continuously burn.
When we had a bunch of bodies to cremate, we'd start our morning with the fattest person. That way the retort maintained heat throughout the day through the other cremations, and you didn't leave the building with the oven still overly hot. And, yes, sometimes it smelled like barbecue.