Faggot burns him self to death in protest of climate change


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
Plants need CO2 to convert it into oxygen by engaging in photosynthesis. The more CO2 there is in the athmosphere, the greener the planet. It currently sits at 0.04%.
It's all about taxing human activity, the right to breath out.

But you can't feel part of the group if you edicate yourself.



The worst Chinese food I've ever seen, hands down.


He thinks microwaved curry is gourmet shit
When I was a student I'd "treat" myself once or twice a month to this godawful chink all you can eat buffet near where I lived. For £7.99 I'd eat as much of this slop as possible and either skip lunch or dinner depending on when I went. It was shit; greasy, bad quality of meats, overcooked vegetables, the whole shebang. And the gooks working there hated me because I ordered tap water instead of getting gouged for £3.50 for a coke or £5 for a beer (hey, I was on a budget.) Long story short - that place's food looked like fucking haute cuisine compared to Fat's awful takeout.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Isn't fat combustible tho? Idk 🤔 I'm not a chemist.
Fat cells, or adipocytes, consist of about 95% triglycerides - which are a 3-carbon backbone with three attached fatty acids. Most of the fatty acids are saturated, that is, they contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms. The rest of the adipocyte is cytoplasm with all the usual organelles.

Fat can burn if there is a steady flame source to get it started. Forensic studies have solved some cases of death of bodies that appeared spontaneously combust by demonstrating that if a body is still and clothing is set on fire and some of the skin is breached, some of the clothing will act as a wick for the fat to continuously burn.


Fat cells, or adipocytes, consist of about 95% triglycerides - which are a 3-carbon backbone with three attached fatty acids. Most of the fatty acids are saturated, that is, they contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms. The rest of the adipocyte is cytoplasm with all the usual organelles.

Fat can burn if there is a steady flame source to get it started. Forensic studies have solved some cases of death of bodies that appeared spontaneously combust by demonstrating that if a body is still and clothing is set on fire and some of the skin is breached, some of the clothing will act as a wick for the fat to continuously burn.

Check out the big brain on @ShutYourCakeHorn
