Exclusive interview with Pizza Hut Manager who deals with Pat's fake pizza orders



Once a month? Pat said everyday for 4 years, once a month at least makes sense for a place not to realize it. Everyday for 4 years would have really set off some flags.
I love how the store manager was like "well fuck, this ain't really my problem." He didn't seem bothered by it just found it weird. He'll be a Patposter in no time.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Im sure he gets trolled by people from all over the internet and not just here. I bet there are a bunch of pranks we never will hear or laugh about unless pat mentions them since it wasnt done to entertain rascals. I was hoping he was going to ask how large the orders were. Makes sense why pat blames kiwi for it. He knows this place takes blame for thing far worse than this. So if it was a reoccurring bit there would be threads about it.
I feel kinda bad that he is getting trolled with such a shitty bit so often. He deserves far, far better bits.

I dunno...sounds like pat has a bit of a pest problem.
